Three of Wands Tarot Card
Three of Wands Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism


The three wands in the card symbolize the initial realization of a goal or vision. They are often seen as a representation of the material, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a situation, or the past, present, and future. The wands are firmly planted, indicating that a strong foundation has been laid for future endeavors.

Character Facing the Sea

The figure in the card gazes out at the sea, which represents unlimited potential and opportunities yet to come. His posture is one of expectation and readiness, suggesting that he is waiting for his ships to come in. This captures the essence of foresight and preparation for what the future holds.

Ships in the Distance

The ships sailing in the distance signify upcoming rewards, returns on investment, and the arrival of opportunities. They may represent trade, travel, or the fruition of a long-term project. Their appearance on the horizon is a favorable sign, indicating that things are coming to fruition and progress is being made.


The natural surroundings, often a combination of land and water, symbolize the various realms and aspects of life that the questioner may be dealing with. The open vista suggests possibilities, but also the necessity of a clear vision to navigate them.

Red and Yellow Garments

The red and yellow clothing of the figure implies a blending of willpower and intellect. Red is the color of passion and energy, while yellow represents wisdom and clarity. Together, they symbolize a balanced approach towards achieving one’s goals.

Correspondences & Associations


The Three of Wands is often connected to the historical and mythological notion of exploration, trade, and the anticipation of fruitful returns, which has been a central part of human history. The figure facing the sea may be reminiscent of explorers and merchants in history who ventured into the unknown to seek fortune and opportunities.


The element associated with all Wands cards, including the Three of Wands, is Fire. Fire symbolizes energy, willpower, creativity, and spirit. In the context of this card, Fire captures the essence of the dynamic energies that are set in motion for future successes and discoveries.


This card is often associated with the Sun in Aries. The Sun represents the self and individuality, while Aries, a Fire sign, is about new beginnings, action, and leadership. The card captures the pioneering spirit of an Aries influenced by the Sun’s radiant energy.


The number 3 in numerology represents creativity, growth, and the power of imagination. It is a number that often signifies the initial completion of a phase, thus leading to the first real steps toward materialization of vision and plans.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the Three of Wands corresponds to the Sefira of Binah in the realm of Atziluth, the World of Emanation. This connection suggests a mature understanding and realization of one’s initial intentions, moving them from the abstract into a phase of concrete planning and anticipation.

Jungian Archetypes

The Jungian archetype that most closely aligns with this card is the Explorer or Seeker. This archetype is focused on the journey to find the truth or realize a vision, often taking risks to discover new realms both externally and within. Psychologically, this suggests a phase of life where the individual is not content with stagnation and seeks greater fulfillment through daring ventures.

The Three of Wands' Vibe

Look ahead, success awaits you
Interpreting the Three of Wands Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Exploration, Foresight, Opportunity, Anticipation, Enterprise

General Overview

The Three of Wands stands as a symbol of anticipation and foresight. The individual depicted is often seen facing outwards towards the horizon, overlooking three wands that stand planted firmly in the ground. This is a card that heralds the beginning of ventures born from well-laid plans, and it speaks of the moment when one sees the first signs of success from their endeavors.

The card suggests that now is a time for patience and thoughtful observation, as the seeds you have planted begin to sprout. It represents a period of waiting for the right moment to act, indicating that preparations and planning will soon give way to action and execution.

While this card is largely optimistic, it also carries a message of responsibility. The advantageous position you find yourself in is the result of foresight and planning, and the next steps must be undertaken with the same level of care and deliberation.

Love & Relationships

In matters of the heart, the Three of Wands signals that the groundwork for a meaningful relationship has likely been laid. If you are single, this could mean that someone with real potential is about to enter your life, or has already made their presence known.

For those already in a relationship, the card signifies a phase of growth and possibly transition. Perhaps it is time to consider the next steps like engagement, marriage, or starting a family. It can also signify a mutual vision for the future that both partners share and are working towards.

The card is largely positive but calls for patience. Whether you are entering a new relationship or deepening an existing one, the Three of Wands urges you to maintain a clear vision for what you desire in a partner and to act in ways that are consistent with this vision.

Career & Finances

In career and financial matters, the Three of Wands is an encouraging card to receive. It often signifies that you are in a strong position, likely due to your foresight and ability to plan. Your endeavors, whether they involve a job, a business venture, or investments, are set to show early signs of success.

However, the card warns against resting on your laurels. Success is on the horizon, but it has not fully materialized yet. This is the time for oversight and strategic planning, as you wait for the most opportune moment to take decisive action.

Long-term vision is essential when this card appears in a financial or career reading. It suggests that current actions are just the first steps in a much longer journey. Planning for the future, both immediate and distant, is highly favored under the influence of this card.


When it comes to health, the Three of Wands can signify a period of waiting, possibly for test results or for a treatment to show its effectiveness. It encourages maintaining a positive outlook and taking proactive steps in managing your well-being.

As a card of foresight and planning, it might suggest that now is a good time to start implementing a long-term health regimen or to seek medical advice for future well-being. The focus here is on proactive measures and prevention rather than cure.

Generally, the card points towards improvement and better days ahead, health-wise. However, it is essential to remember that such improvement will require time and patience, and most importantly, active participation in one’s own healing process.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, the Three of Wands speaks of preparedness and the anticipation of a deeper spiritual journey. It suggests that you are on the threshold of new spiritual discoveries, and that you have a certain level of maturity and readiness to delve deeper into the mysteries of the soul.

The card calls you to expand your horizons spiritually, perhaps through the study of new spiritual philosophies, travel to spiritually significant locations, or engagement with practices that you have not explored before. It indicates that the time is ripe for such explorations.

However, it also cautions that spiritual growth, like any journey, requires planning and foresight. This is a time for soul-searching, for asking yourself what you seek on your spiritual path, and for making plans that are aligned with these higher goals. In this way, you set the stage for a deeper, more fulfilling spiritual experience.

Reversed Meaning


Delay, Lack of Foresight, Missed Opportunities, Disappointment, Hesitation

General Overview

When the Three of Wands appears in its reversed position, it speaks of delays, setbacks, and perhaps a certain level of frustration. While the upright card represents a time of planning and foresight, its reversal suggests that such careful planning may have been lacking or inadequate. It may also point to a failure to act at an opportune moment, leading to missed opportunities.

This card in its reversed state encourages a thorough review of your plans and strategies. It suggests that not all is lost, but careful attention is required to right the course. Hesitation, indecisiveness, or a lack of vision may be at play.

Though it sounds like a cautionary tale, the reversed Three of Wands also holds within it a lesson. It urges you to learn from the present delays or setbacks, to re-evaluate your path and make necessary adjustments. Remember that even setbacks can be turned to advantage with the right mindset.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of love and relationships, the reversed Three of Wands may indicate delays or stagnation. It could mean that a relationship is not progressing as one might have hoped, or that obstacles have appeared that hinder the deepening of a partnership.

If you are single, the card suggests that you may need to reconsider your approach to finding a partner. There may be a tendency to wait for love to come to you, rather than taking proactive steps to find it. Now is the time to evaluate what you truly seek in a relationship.

In both scenarios, the reversed Three of Wands calls for introspection and perhaps a re-setting of emotional priorities. It’s a prompt to be clearer about what you seek in love and relationships and to act in alignment with those goals, rather than leaving things to chance.

Career & Finances

Within the context of work and finances, this reversed card might signify delays in planned projects or unexpected hurdles in your career path. The absence of careful planning or the failure to act decisively could be causing these setbacks.

Financially, this could manifest as missed investment opportunities or delays in expected profits. The card advises a thorough review of financial plans and possibly a consultation with advisors to set things right.

Though setbacks are frustrating, they also offer valuable learning opportunities. This is a time to reassess, make adjustments, and move forward with a clearer vision for your career and financial goals.


When it comes to health, the reversed Three of Wands might indicate delays in healing or treatment. Perhaps a treatment plan is not yielding the expected results, or test results are delayed. It serves as a warning to not ignore symptoms and to be proactive in seeking medical advice.

This card suggests that the path to improved health may be longer or more complicated than initially expected. A reassessment of health strategies may be in order, and perhaps a second opinion would be beneficial.

The core message here is to be an active participant in your own well-being. Make necessary adjustments to lifestyle or treatment plans, and keep a positive yet realistic outlook on the journey to improved health.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, the reversed Three of Wands could signify a period of stagnation or doubt. You may find yourself questioning your spiritual beliefs, practices, or even the path you have chosen. It could be a period marked by a lack of spiritual insight or clarity.

However, even in this state, the card offers guidance. It advises that you take this time to delve into your own spiritual uncertainties. It could be an opportunity to shed beliefs or practices that no longer serve you and to seek new forms of spiritual nourishment.

This period, while challenging, could serve as a spiritual reset. It calls for a reevaluation of your spiritual path and encourages you to set new, more aligned spiritual goals. Like all challenges, it too shall pass, potentially leaving you with greater spiritual clarity and focus.

Three of Wands and Manifesting


The Three of Wands is a card rich in symbolism and meaning, often associated with foresight, expansion, and exploration. When it comes to manifestation, this card serves as a powerful reminder to focus on your goals and aspirations, while also planning and preparing for the journey ahead. Here are some ways you can use the energy of the Three of Wands for manifestation:

Setting Clear Intentions: The Three of Wands emphasizes the need for a clear vision. Use this energy to set clear, actionable goals that you want to manifest.

Strategic Planning: Utilize the element of foresight that the Three of Wands embodies. Create a roadmap or plan to achieve what you desire. This could be a vision board, a written plan, or even a mind map.

Openness to Opportunities: The card often suggests new avenues and possibilities. Be open to opportunities that come your way and take actions that align with your goals.

Exploring Beyond Comfort Zones: This card encourages you to think big and step out of your comfort zone. Take risks and explore new possibilities that you might not have considered otherwise.

Reflect and Re-evaluate: The Three of Wands also asks for a moment of pause to assess your progress. Use this time to adjust your sails, realign your actions with your goals, and celebrate your victories, however small.

For an effective manifestation process, you can meditate on the card’s image or keep it in a place where you will regularly see it. Visualize yourself reaching your goals while holding or looking at the card. You can also use it as a focal point during manifestation rituals or spells to amplify your intentions.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I am open to new possibilities and embrace the adventures that come my way.”
  2. “I am the architect of my destiny, proactively shaping my future.”
  3. “With foresight and planning, I am manifesting the life I desire.”
  4. “I step out of my comfort zone with courage and enthusiasm.”
  5. “I celebrate my progress and adjust my course as needed, knowing I am on the path to greatness.”

To channel the vibrant energy of the Three of Wands tarot card, consider incorporating these affirmations into your daily routine or meditative practice. You can write them down in a journal, repeat them silently or aloud during moments of reflection, or even display them in places where you will frequently encounter them. These affirmations will help remind you to be proactive, adventurous, and thoughtful in your journey towards manifestation. They align closely with the card’s symbolism of foresight, expansion, and courageous exploration, thereby aiding you in internalizing these qualities as you work towards achieving your goals.