The Star Tarot Card
The Star

Imagery and Symbolism

The Star

A radiant star shining brightly in the night sky, signifying hope, inspiration, and divine guidance. It is the light that breaks through the darkness, representing spiritual insight and the promise of the future.

Nude Woman

A woman stands unclothed, pouring water from two jugs. The nudity symbolizes vulnerability, purity, and truth. The act of pouring water reflects healing, cleansing, and the free flow of emotion and consciousness.

Land and Water

The water being poured onto land and into a pool signifies the balance between our emotional and material worlds. It is also indicative of intuition and the unconscious mind blending with the conscious reality.

Seven Smaller Stars

Surrounding the large star are seven smaller stars, representing the seven chakras or energy centers within the human body. They highlight the connection to the divine and the alignment of spiritual energies.


On a tree branch in the background, there sits an ibis, a bird associated with divine wisdom in Egyptian mythology, especially connected to the god Thoth. It stands as a sentinel of knowledge and a bridge between the worlds.


A calm river meanders behind the woman, reflecting the radiance of the star. Water, in the Tarot, often symbolizes emotions, intuition, and the flow of life. Here, the river suggests the continuous journey of the soul, the eternal flow of life and renewal. It reminds us that even in moments of tranquility, life is always in motion, evolving and changing.

Correspondences & Associations


The Star card is often associated with the mythological figure of Aquarius, the water bearer. Historically and mythologically, figures pouring water or bestowing blessings from the heavens are seen as bearers of hope, healing, and spiritual guidance. These figures, as with the Star, symbolize a direct link between the divine and earthly realms, offering renewal and purification.


The predominant element in The Star card is Water. Water is symbolic of intuition, the subconscious mind, and emotions. In this card, the water symbolizes the flow of the universe, the cosmic energy that nourishes the earth, and the continuous cycle of life and rejuvenation.


The Star card is correlated with the zodiac sign Aquarius. Aquarius is an air sign known for its innovative thinking, humanitarian pursuits, and ability to see the bigger picture. It’s a sign associated with hope, dreams, and the collective good.


The Star is the seventeenth card in the Major Arcana, making its associated number 17. In numerology, the number 17 is often seen as a highly spiritual number, symbolizing intuition, insight, and enlightenment. It’s about looking for ways to benefit not just oneself but humanity as a whole.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, The Star is associated with the path that connects Netzach (Eternity) to Yesod (Foundation). This path symbolizes the eternal flow of energy and the divine light that illuminates our intuition and dreams.

Jungian Archetypes

From a Jungian perspective, The Star card embodies the archetype of the Healer or the Redeemer. This archetype represents the idea of healing wounds, be they physical, emotional, or spiritual, and restoring balance and harmony. The Healer offers hope, guidance, and the promise of a better tomorrow, mirroring the essence of The Star card in the Tarot.

Says The Star

Shine brightly, for you are a reflection of the cosmos
Interpreting The Star Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Hope, Inspiration, Spiritual Guidance, Renewal, Serenity

General Overview

The Star card shines with a light of hope, inspiration, and serenity. It follows the chaos of The Tower and offers a gentle reassurance that the worst is over and a period of healing and calm is upon the querent. The figure on the card, often a woman pouring water, represents the flow of intuition and the cosmos, bringing blessings and the promise of renewal. In moments of despair or after tumultuous events, The Star suggests a return to a state of balance and peace.

This card also serves as a beacon of inspiration, urging one to remain optimistic and to trust in the universe’s larger plan. It’s about connecting with one’s inner light and using it as a guiding force. Even in darkness, stars shine brightly; and similarly, even in challenging times, hope and inspiration can be found.

The serene energy of The Star also speaks of spiritual guidance. It suggests that by tapping into one’s inner wisdom and trusting in the guidance from the universe, clarity and direction can be found. This is a time to release doubts and fears, focusing instead on the healing and rejuvenating energies at play.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of love and relationships, The Star brings forth a message of hope and rejuvenation. If there have been challenges or disputes, this card suggests a time of healing and reconciliation. The energies surrounding the relationship are positive, offering a chance for both partners to see past their differences and remember what drew them together in the first place.

For those who are single, The Star can signify a period where self-love and inner peace are emphasized. It’s a time to heal past wounds and prepare oneself for a future relationship built on mutual respect and understanding. The card may also hint at a serendipitous encounter or an unexpected connection that brings joy and inspiration.

Overall, The Star in a relationship context illuminates the importance of hope, trust, and understanding. It reminds us of the spiritual connections that bind people together and the cosmic energies that play a role in our personal relationships.

Career & Finances

When it comes to career and financial matters, The Star suggests that brighter days are on the horizon. If one has recently faced setbacks or challenges in their professional life, this card brings the message of renewed hope and the potential for new opportunities. It’s a signal to stay inspired and continue moving forward, trusting that the universe will guide you.

The card also emphasizes the importance of aligning one’s career with their true calling or higher purpose. By doing so, not only will professional endeavors feel more fulfilling, but they will also be more successful. It’s a period to trust one’s intuition and be open to guidance, whether that’s in the form of a mentor, an unexpected job offer, or a sudden inspiration.

Financially, The Star suggests a period of stability and positive flow. It may indicate that resources are becoming more abundant or that wise investments made in the past are now bearing fruit. Trust in the universe’s abundance and continue making sound financial decisions.


In a health context, The Star radiates healing energies. If one has been facing health challenges, this card brings forth a message of rejuvenation and recovery. It emphasizes the importance of holistic healing, considering not just the physical but also the emotional and spiritual dimensions of well-being.

It’s a reminder to trust in the natural healing capabilities of the body and to stay hopeful and positive. A serene mindset can work wonders on one’s health, as can practices like meditation, spiritual contemplation, and connecting with nature.

For those in good health, The Star encourages maintaining a balanced lifestyle, staying connected with one’s inner self, and continually seeking spiritual growth, which can lead to overall well-being and vitality.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, The Star serves as a luminary guide, beckoning one towards their higher purpose and soul’s mission. It’s about recognizing the divine spark within and using it to illuminate one’s path. This card speaks of a direct connection between the individual soul and the vast cosmos, highlighting the boundless possibilities and the divine guidance available.

The flowing waters in the imagery of the card symbolize the divine knowledge and intuition that are continuously available to those who seek it. They are a reminder of the spiritual nourishment and insights that the universe offers. The Star encourages meditation, spiritual studies, and practices that connect one with their higher self and the cosmos.

Reversed Meaning


Despair, Disconnection, Hopelessness, Pessimism, Lack of Faith

General Overview

When The Star appears reversed, its naturally serene and hopeful energy becomes clouded with doubt, leading to feelings of despair and a sense of disconnection from the guiding light of the cosmos. The guidance, inspiration, and clarity offered by The Star in its upright position may feel elusive or distorted. This could signify a period where one is struggling to find meaning, feeling lost, or doubting the presence of a higher purpose.

It also suggests a lack of faith, not just in the spiritual sense, but also in oneself and in the journey ahead. Pessimism may overshadow optimism, causing one to overlook the silver linings and the lessons in the challenges faced. It’s a reminder to reconnect with one’s inner light, to seek out sources of inspiration, and to renew one’s faith in the universe and its plan.

While this card’s reversed position does point towards a period of uncertainty and perhaps spiritual drought, it’s also an invitation to delve deeper, to realign, and to once again find that guiding star within and without. The darkness is but temporary, and with effort, one can rekindle the light of hope and direction.

Love & Relationships

In matters of the heart, a reversed Star can suggest feelings of disillusionment or a lack of faith in love. There may be a sense of hopelessness, feeling that a relationship has lost its sparkle or direction. It can also indicate unresolved issues or wounds that have not been addressed, causing a rift between partners.

For singles, this card can indicate a period of cynicism or a lack of belief in the possibility of finding a meaningful connection. Past heartbreaks or disappointments may be casting a shadow on one’s outlook towards future relationships. It’s a call to heal and to remember the transformative power of love.

Even in its reversed state, The Star is a beacon urging for reconciliation, healing, and the rekindling of hope. It’s about rediscovering faith in love, opening up to vulnerability, and believing in the possibility of harmonious connections, even after a period of doubt or despair.

Career & Finances

Professionally, The Star reversed can signal feelings of disillusionment or a sense that one’s efforts are not leading to the desired outcomes. There might be a lack of clarity regarding one’s career path or a feeling of being disconnected from one’s true calling. Doubts may creep in, causing hesitancy in making decisions or pursuing opportunities.

Financially, this card suggests a period of instability or uncertainty. Investments might not yield the expected returns, or there may be unforeseen expenses. It’s a time to be cautious, to reassess, and to seek guidance before making significant financial decisions.

It’s essential to remember that this card, even in its reversed state, serves as a reminder that challenges are temporary. It encourages seeking inspiration, re-evaluating goals, and being open to new perspectives and opportunities. With effort and faith, the clouds of uncertainty can be dispelled, leading to clearer skies ahead.


In terms of health, The Star reversed might point to feelings of despondency or a lack of vitality. There could be a sense of disconnection from one’s body, leading to neglect or overlooking potential health concerns. It also hints at emotional or mental health struggles, particularly feelings of hopelessness or being overwhelmed.

It’s a nudge to seek support, whether in the form of professional medical advice, therapy, or spiritual healing. Prioritizing self-care, both physically and emotionally, becomes crucial during this period.

Moreover, this card underscores the importance of nurturing one’s spiritual and emotional well-being. By realigning with one’s inner source of strength and hope, one can navigate health challenges with greater resilience and clarity.

Spiritual Interpretation

Spiritually, The Star reversed suggests a period of disconnection or spiritual drought. One might feel distanced from their higher self, their guides, or the universe’s guiding forces. This could manifest as a lack of inspiration, a questioning of one’s beliefs, or a sense of being adrift without a clear spiritual compass.

However, these periods of doubt and disconnection are often the very times that lead to profound spiritual growth. They are invitations to go within, to question, to seek, and to rediscover one’s spiritual essence. It’s a call to deepen one’s practices, to seek guidance, and to remain open to the mysteries of the cosmos.

The Star and Manifesting


The Star tarot card is a powerful symbol of hope, inspiration, and spiritual guidance. It represents the connection between the individual and the cosmos, suggesting that the universe supports our aspirations and dreams. Here’s how you can harness the energy of The Star for manifestation:

Clear Vision and Intention Setting: The Star is all about clarity and divine inspiration. Begin your manifestation process by setting a clear intention. Meditate with The Star card, envisioning what you wish to manifest. Allow the energy of the card to illuminate your vision, making it vivid and tangible.

Align with Cosmic Energy: The Star reminds us that we are not alone in our journey. The universe is always guiding and supporting us. To manifest, align your energy with that of the universe. This might mean engaging in practices like meditation, stargazing, or simply spending time in nature. By attuning to the cosmic rhythm, you strengthen your manifestation powers.

Stay Hopeful and Optimistic: The Star is a beacon of hope. Even if the path to your manifestation seems challenging, trust in the process and maintain a hopeful and positive outlook. Your optimism and faith act as catalysts, accelerating the manifestation process.

Flow and Surrender: The imagery of The Star often includes a figure pouring water, symbolizing flow and fluidity. In manifestation, this reminds us to stay adaptable and to surrender to the natural flow of events. Instead of forcing things or becoming too attached to a specific outcome, let things unfold naturally, trusting that the universe is directing you towards your highest good.

Affirmations: Use affirmations that resonate with the energy of The Star. Examples include: “I am divinely guided and supported,” “The universe is conspiring in my favor,” or “I am open to the limitless possibilities that the cosmos offers.”

Rituals and Visualization: Consider performing a manifestation ritual under the stars. Light a candle, hold The Star card, and visualize your desires coming to fruition. Feel the energy of the stars amplifying your intentions. Release your desires into the universe with trust and gratitude.

Remember, The Star encourages you to believe in your connection with the universe and to have faith in your manifestation journey. By aligning with its energy, you tap into a profound source of inspiration, guidance, and support, making your dreams and aspirations more reachable.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I am divinely guided and infinitely loved.”
  2. “The universe supports my dreams and aspirations.”
  3. “Every challenge is an opportunity for growth and transformation.”
  4. “I trust in the cosmic plan and embrace the journey ahead.”
  5. “Limitless possibilities flow towards me with ease and grace.”

To align with the energy of The Star card using these affirmations, begin by creating a serene environment for reflection, perhaps accompanied by candlelight or under the night sky. Hold The Star card in your hands and take several deep breaths, grounding yourself. As you exhale, release any doubts or fears, and open your heart to the infinite wisdom of the universe. Repeat each affirmation aloud or silently, feeling the words resonate within your being. Visualize the energy of The Star enveloping you, illuminating your path, and reinforcing your connection to the cosmos. Allow these affirmations to serve as beacons of hope, guidance, and trust, reminding you of the divine support that is always available. By consistently integrating these affirmations into your daily rituals, you strengthen your bond with the universe and empower your manifestation journey.