The Lovers Tarot Card
The Lovers Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

The Man and Woman

Representing the primal forces of masculine and feminine energy, these figures denote the potential for conscious choices, unity, and the duality of human nature. They are the incarnate form of attraction and desire, indicating the union of opposites and the balancing act of relationships.

The Angel

Hovering above, the angel symbolizes divine guidance and protection. The radiant sun behind the angel indicates blessings from the universe, emphasizing that love is a divine force that transcends our earthly understanding. The angel can also signify the higher self, overseeing the choices we make in our personal relationships.

The Flaming Tree & Serpent

To the man’s side stands a tree aflame, signifying passion, desire, and primal energies. On the woman’s side, a tree entwined by a serpent represents knowledge, temptation, and the Garden of Eden story. Together, they depict the dance between passion and reason, temptation and morality.

The Mountain

In the distance, a mountain rises, pointing towards the spiritual ascent and the challenges we face in relationships. It speaks of the hurdles and growth experiences that lovers must face and overcome together, elevating their bond.

The Clouds

The clouds surrounding the angel signify the unknown and the mysteries of love. They remind us that while we can make choices based on our understanding and intuition, there are always elements in relationships that remain beyond our comprehension, guided by the divine.

The Garden

Beneath the figures of the man and woman lies a verdant garden, symbolizing fertility, growth, and the potential that love brings. This garden is reminiscent of the Garden of Eden, pointing towards the idea of paradise, innocence, and the primal state of being before knowledge brought about conscious choice.

Correspondences & Associations


The Lovers card often draws its imagery from the biblical story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. This tale speaks of innocence, temptation, and the moral choices one must make in life. Historically, older decks portrayed this card as one man choosing between two women, symbolizing the crossroads and decisions one faces in life.


The Lovers is associated with the element of Air. In the Tarot, Air represents thought, intellect, and communication. With The Lovers, this element emphasizes the importance of choices made with clarity, understanding, and mutual communication.


This card is linked to the zodiac sign Gemini. Gemini, ruled by Mercury, emphasizes duality, communication, and partnerships. This sign’s influence on The Lovers underscores the themes of duality, choices, and the merging of opposites.


The Lovers card is numbered 6 in the Major Arcana. In numerology, the number 6 is associated with harmony, balance, and responsibility. It represents love, compassion, and choices made with the heart.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, The Lovers is associated with the 17th path, connecting Binah (Understanding) to Tiphareth (Beauty). This path signifies the union of opposites and the harmonization of energies leading to enlightenment and understanding.

Jungian Archetypes

Jung would likely see The Lovers as representing the archetype of the “Coniunctio” or Sacred Marriage. This speaks to the union of opposites, be it male and female, conscious and unconscious, or ego and self. It represents the necessary integration and balance of dualities to achieve wholeness.

Says The Lovers

Through love, two become a harmonious one
Interpreting The Lovers Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Choices, Union, Partnership, Love, Harmony, Alignment, Duality

General Overview

The Lovers card stands as a symbol of the intimate connection of opposites, a union of duality, and the choices that arise from these connections. Often, it’s a card that speaks to the harmony of a deep bond, but it also emphasizes the importance of making decisions with clarity and conscience.

This card, while primarily associated with love and close partnerships, is just as much about individual moral values and the moments of decision that shape our lives. It represents the challenging choices we must make to progress on our spiritual journey.

Furthermore, the card underscores the concept of duality and the importance of balance. It suggests that harmony in relationships is achieved when there’s mutual respect and understanding, and when decisions are made with consideration of both heart and mind.

Love & Relationships

When appearing in a reading about love or relationships, The Lovers card often signifies a deep connection or bond, a sense of mutual understanding and respect. It could indicate the start of a new, passionate romance or the deepening of an existing relationship.

It also serves as a reminder of the importance of communication, trust, and honesty in partnerships. Challenges in relationships might arise, but with open communication and mutual respect, they can be overcome.

However, The Lovers also signals choices to be made in love. It might suggest the need to decide about a relationship’s future or choose between two potential partners. In either case, it advises one to follow both the heart and the mind.

Career & Finances

In matters of career, The Lovers suggests partnerships and collaborations. It might indicate a business partnership that brings mutual success or a decision to be made regarding one’s career path. Choices made now will have long-term consequences, so it’s crucial to consider all options.

Financially, this card can suggest a harmonious merging of resources. This could mean joint investments, pooling resources, or shared financial goals. On the other hand, it also warns of making impulsive financial decisions without adequate thought or counsel.

When decisions or partnerships in career and finances are approached with mutual respect, clear communication, and shared values, they are likely to succeed. The Lovers encourage seeking balance and alignment in such endeavors.


The Lovers card in a health context can signify harmony and balance in physical well-being. It may indicate a period where mental, emotional, and physical health are in alignment, leading to a feeling of rejuvenation.

If facing health challenges, the card suggests seeking a second opinion or considering alternative treatments. The emphasis is on making informed choices about one’s health and well-being.

Emotionally and mentally, it promotes finding balance. It could mean seeking therapy or counseling for couples or addressing personal issues to find inner harmony and peace.

Spiritual Interpretation

Spiritually, The Lovers is a card of union, not just of people, but of the conscious self with the divine or unconscious. It suggests a moment of revelation, an alignment of personal beliefs with universal truths.

The card represents the sacred marriage in spiritual traditions, where the individual soul merges with the divine, achieving enlightenment and unity. It reminds us that every choice we make on our spiritual journey shapes our path and brings us closer to or further from our spiritual goals.

It also speaks to the duality inherent in life and the spiritual realm: light and dark, male and female, positive and negative. By acknowledging and embracing this duality, we can achieve wholeness and a deeper understanding of our place in the cosmos.

Reversed Meaning


Imbalance, Disconnection, Misaligned values, Poor choices, Separation

General Overview

In its reversed position, The Lovers card points towards internal and external disharmony, misaligned values, and the potential for poor choices. The foundation of trust, mutual understanding, and shared values that the card usually embodies becomes shaky or is altogether missing.

This inversion also suggests facing the consequences of past choices and decisions. The reversed Lovers card can be a call to re-evaluate decisions, realign with true values, and bring back balance and harmony. It may also indicate the need to address and heal inner duality and conflict.

It is a potent reminder that all relationships, whether with others or oneself, require work, understanding, and growth. It warns against taking relationships for granted and signals the potential for disconnection or growing apart.

Love & Relationships

Within the realm of love and relationships, The Lovers reversed often denotes a period of disconnection or discord. It might be indicative of miscommunication, misaligned values, or external influences causing strain in a relationship. For some, it might even suggest considering the viability of the relationship itself.

It also alludes to the consequences of choices made without thorough contemplation or in haste. There might be feelings of regret or realization that certain decisions in love were not for the best. For those single or dating, it warns against diving into relationships without clarity of intent or understanding.

Ultimately, this card in its reversed position serves as a call to reflect upon and address any challenges or issues in one’s romantic life, emphasizing the importance of clear communication, trust, and mutual respect.

Career & Finances

In matters of career, The Lovers reversed suggests disharmony in partnerships and collaborations. It might point towards business partnerships turning sour, misaligned career goals, or conflicting interests with colleagues.

Financially, the card warns against making decisions based on fleeting desires or without comprehensive understanding. It suggests being wary of financial partnerships or joint ventures where all parties are not on the same page.

This card advises taking a moment to step back, re-evaluate professional and financial situations, and proceed with caution. It encourages seeking advice, discussing concerns, and ensuring alignment in career and financial endeavors.


In health readings, The Lovers reversed might point towards imbalances in one’s physical and emotional well-being. It suggests that there might be areas of neglect or actions taken that aren’t in the best interest of one’s health.

It could also indicate struggles with mental well-being, possibly stemming from personal conflicts, relationship issues, or past choices. Addressing emotional and mental well-being becomes paramount, and seeking external support or counseling could be beneficial.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, The Lovers reversed signals a disconnection from one’s higher self or spiritual beliefs. It may suggest internal conflicts regarding personal beliefs, feeling out of sync with spiritual practices, or facing challenges in one’s spiritual journey.

This card encourages introspection, to dive deep and realign with core beliefs and values. It is a call to reconnect with the spiritual self, to find balance and harmony in one’s spiritual practices, and to address any internal or external factors causing spiritual discord.

Moreover, it serves as a reminder that the spiritual journey is one of continual growth, learning, and realignment. Challenges faced along the way are opportunities for deeper understanding, growth, and reconnection with the divine.

The Lovers and Manifesting


The Lovers tarot card is a potent symbol of union, harmony, and choices. Utilizing this card for manifestation can help you attract and cultivate love, harmony, and balance in various aspects of your life. Here’s how you can use The Lovers card for manifestation:

Clear Intentions: Before starting any manifestation ritual, have a clear intention of what you want. Do you desire a loving relationship? Do you want more harmony in your current partnership? Or perhaps you seek a deeper connection with yourself? The Lovers card is all about making choices that align with your heart’s true desires.

Visualization: Hold The Lovers card and close your eyes. Visualize a scenario where your intention is already a reality. Feel the emotions and sensations associated with having achieved your desired outcome. Let the imagery on the card guide you: the mutual affection, the blessing from the angel, the harmony between the two figures.

Affirmations: Use affirmations that align with the energy of The Lovers. For example, “I am worthy of deep, soulful love,” or “Every choice I make brings me closer to my heart’s desire.” Repeating these affirmations while focusing on the card can amplify your manifestation intentions.

Create a Lovers Manifestation Altar: Dedicate a small space or altar for your manifestation work. Place The Lovers card in the center, surrounded by objects, crystals (like rose quartz for love), or scents that align with your intention. This will serve as a physical space to focus your manifestation energy.

Meditation: Meditate with The Lovers card, holding it or placing it in front of you. As you meditate, imagine the energy of the card merging with your energy, infusing you with the qualities of love, harmony, and balanced choices.

Daily Practice: Make it a daily practice to spend a few minutes with The Lovers card, reaffirming your intention and visualizing your desired outcome. The consistent focus will help attract that energy into your life.

Trust and Release: After your manifestation rituals, trust that the universe has heard your desires. Release any attachment to the outcome and be open to receiving love and harmony in various forms.

By aligning with the energies of The Lovers card, you can effectively harness its potent vibrations to manifest love, harmony, and conscious choices in your life.

Affirmations to use

Here are five affirmations to channel the energy of The Lovers tarot card:

  1. “I attract loving and harmonious relationships into my life.”
  2. “Every choice I make is aligned with my highest good and deepest desires.”
  3. “I am deserving of love and connection in all forms.”
  4. “My heart and intuition guide me towards my soul’s true path.”
  5. “In every moment, I am forging deeper connections with myself and others.”

To align with the energy of The Lovers using these affirmations, start by finding a quiet space where you can focus. Hold The Lovers tarot card in your hands or place it before you. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, grounding yourself in the present moment. As you visualize the imagery on the card, repeat each affirmation aloud or in your mind. Feel the words resonate within you, letting their truth permeate every part of your being. As you internalize these affirmations, imagine a radiant energy surrounding you, drawing loving and harmonious energies your way. Practice this regularly, preferably at the same time each day, to strengthen your alignment with the essence of The Lovers.