The Devil Tarot Card
The Devil

Imagery and Symbolism

The Horned Goat

The central figure resembles the mythical Baphomet or the Horned Goat, representing the darker forces of nature, primal instincts, and our base desires. This image is a reminder of humanity’s vulnerable nature to materialism, temptation, and bondage to one’s own vices.

The Inverted Pentagram

On the forehead of the Devil is an inverted pentagram, which traditionally symbolizes the descent into matter, or the material world taking precedence over the spirit. It can represent a distortion of values and an imbalance between the material and spiritual realms.

The Torch

The torch that the Devil holds burns downwards, emphasizing the descent of wisdom and enlightenment in the material realm. It suggests the misuse of power and knowledge for lower desires.

The Chains

The chained man and woman are symbolic of the chains that bind individuals through ignorance, materialism, and addiction. The fact that the chains are loose implies that the bondage is self-imposed and can be removed with self-awareness.

The Wings

The bat-like wings of the Devil symbolize the descent into the lower realms or the shadow side of our nature. They hint at the hidden aspects of our psyche, which we might be unaware of or choose to ignore.

The Raised Hand

The raised right hand of the Devil, in a gesture similar to that seen in The Magician card, implies that he has power and dominion in his realm. But unlike the Magician, whose power is derived from higher spiritual sources, the Devil’s power is based on materialism and lower desires.

Correspondences & Associations


The Devil card, in many depictions, resonates with the imagery of Baphomet, a deity that the Knights Templar were accused of worshipping. Baphomet, an amalgamation of various symbols representing dualities, became associated with the occult and has been a figure of fascination and misinterpretation for centuries. The Devil card embodies many facets of the human experience, including temptation, bondage, and materialism, which are themes present in various mythologies and religious teachings around the world.


The Devil card is primarily associated with the element of Earth. This element emphasizes the tangible, the material, and the physical realm. It represents groundedness but, in excess, can symbolize overindulgence in physical pleasures, materialism, and being bound to worldly desires.


The Devil card is astrologically linked to the sign of Capricorn. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn embodies discipline, structure, and the material world. However, when its energies are misdirected, it can lead to material obsession, rigidity, and an overemphasis on worldly success.


The Devil is card number 15 in the Major Arcana. In numerology, the number 15 reduces to 6 (1+5), which is a number often associated with home, family, and responsibility. But it also can indicate challenges or imbalances related to these areas, especially when bound by material or superficial constraints.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, The Devil card corresponds to the path between Tiphareth (Beauty) and Hod (Glory). This path suggests a journey where the beauty and harmony of the soul may become overshadowed by illusion, material desires, or the intellect without the guidance of the spirit.

Jungian Archetypes

From a Jungian perspective, The Devil represents the “Shadow” archetype. The Shadow consists of the hidden or less visible aspect of one’s personality, including desires, fears, and behaviors that the conscious mind might reject or suppress. Encountering the Devil card invites individuals to confront and integrate these darker aspects of the self, leading to growth and self-awareness.

Says The Devil

The chains you wear are ones you've chosen
Interpreting The Devil Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Temptation, Bondage, Materialism, Obsession, Ignorance

General Overview

The Devil card in the tarot is often met with trepidation, but it is important to note that its energy is neutral, serving as a mirror to our deeper desires and fears. Symbolizing the chains that bind us, it reflects the earthly ties or self-imposed limitations that prevent spiritual growth. Whether it’s an addiction, an unhealthy relationship, or a material obsession, the Devil highlights the areas of our lives where we feel entrapped.

This card does not necessarily indicate external forces at play but often speaks to our inner demons—the unaddressed fears, desires, or obsessions that control our actions. By confronting these aspects, we gain a deeper understanding of what holds us back and can work towards liberation.

Within this card also lies a lesson on human nature’s duality. While it reminds us of our base instincts and tendencies towards excess, it also prompts the question of balance: How can we manage our desires in a way that serves our higher self?

Love & Relationships

When the Devil appears in a love reading, it may suggest an unhealthy attachment or a relationship based on physical attraction rather than genuine connection. There could be a fear of letting go, even when one knows that the relationship is not serving their higher self. Obsessive love, dependency, or relationships dominated by power dynamics are also indicated.

For those not in a relationship, the card might suggest a period where lust overshadows love, leading to choices that might not align with one’s true desires for a deeper connection. It serves as a reminder to look beyond surface attractions and seek genuine emotional bonds.

In certain contexts, the Devil can also indicate a passionate and magnetic attraction. It’s essential to discern whether this passion is fleeting or if it holds the potential for a deeper bond. Awareness and self-reflection are key.

Career & Finances

In the realm of career, The Devil may point to feeling trapped in a job or a position that doesn’t resonate with one’s true passion or calling. It suggests staying in a role due to financial security, fear of change, or because of the perceived prestige it offers rather than genuine fulfillment.

Financially, this card can indicate materialism taking precedence over other life aspects. There may be a tendency to overspend, indulge, or be in debt. The Devil card advises caution regarding financial decisions and urges one to not let material desires dictate choices.

On a more positive note, The Devil can signify a strong dedication and passion towards one’s work, where the individual is deeply engrossed and committed. The challenge lies in ensuring this dedication doesn’t turn into obsession or burnout.


The Devil card, in the context of health, indicates the potential for overindulgence and neglecting one’s well-being. This could be in the form of unhealthy eating habits, substance abuse, or any behavior that’s detrimental to health. It’s a call to examine one’s lifestyle choices and make changes where necessary.

It can also point to mental health challenges, particularly those related to obsession, compulsion, or depression. There’s an encouragement to seek help or support, whether through professional counseling or personal support systems.

Overall, The Devil reminds us of the importance of balance in our physical and mental well-being. It signals that liberation from unhealthy habits is possible, but it requires self-awareness and active effort.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, The Devil card serves as a potent reminder of the earthly bonds that keep us from our higher spiritual selves. It suggests that we might be giving in to lower vibrations, being swayed by material desires, or remaining ignorant of our true spiritual nature.

Every card in the tarot, including The Devil, has its lessons. By recognizing these bonds, we are given an opportunity for profound spiritual growth. By facing our shadows, confronting our fears, and understanding our desires, we pave the way for transformation and ascension.

The Devil’s presence is not to be feared but understood. It is a call to delve deep into our spiritual journey, face the aspects of ourselves that we might be ignoring, and emerge with a clearer, more enlightened perspective.

Reversed Meaning


Release, Liberation, Breaking Chains, Overcoming Temptation, Personal Growth

General Overview

When The Devil card appears reversed, it signifies a breaking free from bonds and limitations that once held you captive. This position indicates a period of enlightenment where one recognizes the chains, be they physical, emotional, or mental, and actively seeks liberation. The reversed Devil heralds the shedding of old patterns, behaviors, or relationships that have been limiting or toxic.

This card suggests a triumph over internal demons, be it temptations, addictions, or negative thought patterns. There’s a newfound clarity, allowing one to discern what’s truly valuable in life. This is a time of personal growth, empowerment, and the reclaiming of one’s autonomy.

The journey towards liberation is seldom straightforward. This card also serves as a reminder that true freedom comes from continuous self-awareness, effort, and vigilance. Overcoming past bindings is a commendable first step, but one must remain cautious of falling into new traps or old patterns.

Love & Relationships

In the context of love and relationships, the reversed Devil card brings hope. It indicates a period where one might be breaking free from an unhealthy relationship or overcoming destructive patterns within a relationship. This is a time of realization and making decisions that honor one’s well-being and emotional health.

For singles, this might mean liberating oneself from past heartaches or toxic patterns that have hindered the pursuit of genuine, fulfilling connections. It’s a period of rediscovering self-worth and understanding that one deserves love that is nurturing and balanced.

Freedom also comes with responsibility. This card encourages maintaining boundaries, fostering open communication, and continuously reflecting on one’s needs and desires within relationships to ensure that past mistakes aren’t repeated.

Career & Finances

In matters of career, The Devil reversed suggests breaking free from job situations that have felt restrictive or unfulfilling. This might mean leaving a job, seeking new opportunities, or simply shedding old, limiting beliefs about one’s capabilities and worth.

In financial matters, this could mark a period of gaining control over debts, addictions, or any financial habits that have been detrimental. There’s a shift from feeling bound by financial circumstances to feeling empowered and in control of one’s financial destiny.

As always, liberation requires active participation. This is a time to set clear goals, make informed decisions, and perhaps seek guidance or education to ensure that one’s financial and professional paths are aligned with their true aspirations and values.


Regarding health, The Devil reversed signifies a journey towards wellness and balance. Whether overcoming addictions, unhealthy habits, or negative mental patterns, there’s a strong push towards reclaiming one’s health and vitality.

This could be the time where one decides to adopt healthier eating habits, join a fitness regimen, seek counseling, or simply prioritize self-care. It’s a period marked by self-love, understanding, and proactive steps towards holistic well-being.

The path to health and well-being requires consistency and commitment. While this card marks the beginning or continuation of a positive journey, it also reminds one to remain dedicated and aware, ensuring that newfound habits are sustained.

Spiritual Interpretation

Spiritually, The Devil reversed speaks of a profound awakening. This is the moment of turning away from illusions, material desires, or any external distractions that have prevented a deeper spiritual connection. It signifies a soul’s journey towards light, having recognized and decided to transcend the shadows.

This card embodies the powerful realization that true liberation isn’t merely about external chains but more about internal ones. By confronting and understanding one’s inner darkness, one can genuinely step into the light. It’s a journey of soul evolution, introspection, and, ultimately, ascension.

While this period marks significant spiritual growth, The Devil reversed also advises grounding. As one embarks on this profound journey, it’s crucial to remain balanced, ensuring that spiritual pursuits are integrated healthily into daily life, fostering both spiritual and earthly fulfillment.

The Devil and Manifesting


The Devil card in tarot, despite its intimidating imagery and name, can be a powerful tool for manifestation when approached with awareness and intention. Here’s how:

Understanding Limitations and Chains: Before manifesting desires, it’s crucial to understand what holds you back. The Devil card represents the chains and limitations that bind you, whether they are fears, doubts, addictions, or negative patterns. By acknowledging these blocks, you can start the process of freeing yourself from them.

Harnessing Desires: The Devil also speaks of our base desires and passions. While unchecked desires can lead to imbalance, when channeled positively, they become a potent force for creation. Recognize what you deeply desire, then focus on how to manifest it in a balanced and positive way.

Shadow Work: Manifestation isn’t just about attracting what you want; it’s also about understanding and integrating all parts of yourself, including your shadow side. The Devil card prompts introspection. Embrace your shadow, understand it, and integrate it. This makes your manifestation efforts more holistic and grounded.

Commitment to Transformation: The Devil card emphasizes the power of free will. You always have a choice. By consciously choosing to manifest a particular goal, and committing to the transformation required, you align with the energies of creation.

Visualize Breaking Chains: As a manifestation exercise, visualize yourself as the chained figures in the card. Feel the weight of the chains and then, with firm intention, see them breaking away. As they do, visualize your desires taking form and becoming tangible.

To effectively use The Devil card for manifestation, it’s essential to approach it with respect and understanding. The card reminds you that you have the power within to transform your reality, but it also asks you to be aware of the inner and outer chains that might be holding you back. Embrace the card’s energy, and it can be a profound ally in your manifestation journey.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I effortlessly blend my desires and realities, finding harmony in every moment.”
  2. “With every breath, I cultivate balance and serenity within myself.”
  3. “I trust the universe’s timing and embrace the journey of gradual transformation.”
  4. “I am the alchemist of my life, turning challenges into golden opportunities.”
  5. “In patience and moderation, I discover the deepest wellsprings of my power and potential.”

To align with the energy of the Temperance card using these affirmations, begin by finding a quiet space where you can focus without distractions. Visualize the Temperance card, paying attention to the imagery of the angel mixing waters, symbolizing balance and alchemy. As you breathe deeply, repeat each affirmation, feeling the words resonate within you. Imagine each affirmation aiding in the blending of your internal energies, harmonizing your desires with reality. Trust that as you regularly affirm these statements, you’re cultivating an inner balance and are guiding your life towards harmony, moderation, and purposeful transformation.