Seven of Wands Tarot Card
Seven of Wands Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

The Elevated Figure

The primary figure in this card stands elevated on a higher ground, wielding a wand against six other wands coming from below. This represents a position of advantage or moral high ground. The elevation indicates that the person has a vantage point that gives him a greater perspective, and perhaps, a just cause.

The Six Lower Wands

Pointing upwards towards the primary figure are six additional wands. These represent challenges, opposition, or competitors. The fact that they are lower than the central figure’s wand indicates that these challenges are not insurmountable and can be met and overcome.

Cliff and Terrain

The character stands on a steep incline, adding a sense of urgency and struggle to the scene. This reflects that the character’s position, although advantageous, requires constant effort to maintain.


The boots on the main figure signify that he is grounded and well-prepared for the fight, perhaps symbolizing the need for practical considerations in the face of multiple challenges.

Stance and Expression

The determined look and posture of the main figure suggest courage, resilience, and a readiness to engage with whatever difficulties lie ahead. This implies not only external battles but also inner resolve.

Clear Blue Sky

The backdrop of a clear blue sky signifies clarity of purpose and a positive environment for defending one’s position. It contrasts the conflict below and could be seen as the Divine supporting the righteousness or clarity of the stand being taken.

Correspondences & Associations


The Seven of Wands embodies the idea of taking a stand, reminiscent of many figures throughout history and mythology who’ve had to defend their territory or beliefs. This card captures the essence of moments like the Battle of Thermopylae, where a smaller force takes a defensive stance against overwhelming odds.


Associated with the element of Fire, the Seven of Wands embodies the fiery attributes of courage, action, and energy. Just as fire can both warm and consume, the element here represents the potential for both constructive and destructive outcomes based on how the energy is channeled.


The card is associated with the planet Mars in the sign of Leo. Mars embodies the warrior archetype, emphasizing courage and confrontation, while Leo brings a sense of pride and nobility to the struggle. This combination captures the essence of a valiant struggle to defend one’s domain.


The number 7 in numerology is often associated with spiritual insight, wisdom, and the internal battles one faces on the path to higher understanding. It speaks to the higher virtues we aim to achieve and the trials we must undergo to reach them.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, this card corresponds to the path that connects Netzach (Victory) to Hod (Splendor), reminding us that the path to victory and recognition often involves challenges that require us to display our inner splendors like courage and wit.

Jungian Archetypes

The Jungian archetype closely related to the Seven of Wands would be the Warrior, representing the aspects of our psyche that are called upon when facing challenges and obstacles. The Warrior in us is activated when we take a stand for what we believe, fighting with courage and determination.

The Seven of Wands' Vibe

Courage in the face of adversity
Interpreting the Seven of Wands Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Defense, Courage, Resistance, Determination, Valor

General Overview

The Seven of Wands is a card that evokes the energy of courage and resilience in the face of adversity. The figure on the card is often depicted as being on higher ground, fending off six other wands that come at him from a lower position. This suggests a defensive but advantageous position, indicating that the individual has the upper hand but must continue to fight to maintain it.

When this card appears in a reading, it commonly signifies that the querent is in a situation where they must defend themselves or their beliefs. They may face opposition or competition, but they have the moral or tactical high ground. This card encourages one to stand their ground and to muster the courage and confidence to fend off any challenges.

It is a card that calls for inner strength and resolve. It’s not about starting conflicts but about finishing them, affirming your right to be where you are and to have what is rightfully yours. Challenges are inevitable, but defeat is optional.

Love & Relationships

In the context of love and relationships, the Seven of Wands suggests that you may find yourself needing to assert your boundaries or defend your relationship. This could manifest as outside influences questioning your union or perhaps even competition for your or your partner’s affections.

This card encourages you to stand firm in your feelings and commitments. If your relationship is built on a strong foundation, no challenge will be too great to overcome. Keep open communication with your partner and together you can weather any storm.

For singles, this card could indicate that you may need to make an active stand to attain the relationship you desire. It may require you to step out of your comfort zone, to assert yourself, and to fight for the love you deserve.

Career & Finances

In matters of career, the Seven of Wands suggests a competitive environment. You may be vying for a position, a promotion, or a project. Though the competition will be fierce, you have the skills and the strategic advantage to succeed.

It’s important not to back down from challenges in your professional life at this time. You have worked hard to get to your current position, and it is something worth defending. Show determination and courage, and superiors as well as colleagues will respect you for it.

Financially, this card advises caution against risky ventures. It’s not the best time to gamble your resources. Rather, defend what you have earned and be wise with your investments.


In a health reading, the Seven of Wands advises vigilance. If you’ve been fighting off illness or striving to improve your health, now is not the time to relax your efforts.

You may face setbacks or difficulties, but do not lose heart. This card is a signal that you have the strength and resilience to face these challenges and come out the other side stronger.

Additionally, if you find that you’re not getting the answers you need from healthcare providers, don’t hesitate to stand up for yourself. Seek a second opinion if needed and take an active role in your own wellness journey.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, the Seven of Wands suggests a trial or challenge that you must undergo to advance on your spiritual path. This is often a test of will and inner strength, requiring you to hold fast to your spiritual beliefs in the face of skepticism or even ridicule.

This card often shows up when we are on the verge of significant personal or spiritual growth and are faced with obstacles or challenges that test our resolve. By standing firm and refusing to be swayed from our spiritual path, we demonstrate the depth of our faith and come closer to spiritual enlightenment.

It calls you to embody the divine virtues of courage, integrity, and resilience. Standing up for what you believe in, even if you stand alone, is a powerful spiritual practice that this card calls you to enact.

Reversed Meaning


Overwhelm, Retreat, Insecurity, Surrender, Defensiveness

General Overview

When the Seven of Wands appears in its reversed position, it indicates a sense of being overwhelmed by challenges and opposition. Unlike its upright counterpart, where the figure stands his ground, the reversed card often signifies giving in to external pressures or abandoning a hard-fought position. It suggests a lack of courage or determination in facing adversity.

This card can also represent internal conflict, where self-doubt and insecurity hamper one’s ability to defend oneself effectively. There may be a temptation to run away from confrontations, suggesting a need for self-examination and possible course correction.

In some cases, the reversed Seven of Wands can indicate that the struggle is not worth the effort and that withdrawing may be the more prudent option. Assess whether continuing to fight aligns with your long-term goals and well-being.

Love & Relationships

In matters of the heart, the reversed Seven of Wands could signal a phase where you or your partner feel overwhelmed, possibly due to external pressures such as work, family, or societal judgments. It may be tempting to avoid confrontation or even to retreat from the relationship altogether.

If you’ve been defensive or overly protective of your emotional space, this card calls you to examine those barriers. Are they serving you, or are they causing more isolation and misunderstanding? Communication and vulnerability may offer a better defense for the relationship’s integrity.

For those who are single, this card might suggest that you’re letting insecurities or past rejections hinder your pursuit of a new relationship. A cautious step back to assess what you truly want and need may be beneficial.

Career & Finances

When concerning career and finances, a reversed Seven of Wands suggests setbacks or failures in projects or ventures. You may find yourself overwhelmed with competition or failing to stand out in your career.

However, it’s crucial to examine whether the struggle is worth your time and energy. Sometimes, knowing when to step back can save you from greater losses. This card may indicate that a tactical retreat is necessary to reassess your career goals and financial strategies.

Financially, you might feel compelled to defend your resources vigorously. However, be mindful not to become overly defensive or paranoid, as this could hinder potential opportunities for growth or partnerships.


On a health note, feeling overwhelmed or stressed is a strong indication when this card appears reversed. It might be an appropriate time to reevaluate your health strategies and perhaps seek professional advice.

Failure to take adequate rest and retreat when needed could lead to health issues. If you’ve been fighting a health issue, this card in reverse suggests that you might be pushing yourself too hard and neglecting your body’s need for rest and recovery.

If you find that you’re not getting the support you need, whether from healthcare providers or loved ones, take it as a sign to advocate more strongly for your well-being. Don’t surrender your health needs due to external pressures.

Spiritual Interpretation

In spiritual contexts, the reversed Seven of Wands can indicate a crisis of faith or moral dilemma that you’re struggling to resolve. The internal battles can be as damaging as any external opposition.

This card in reverse may also suggest that you’re disengaged from your spiritual path, perhaps feeling that the challenges are too great or questioning the beliefs that you once held dear.

It serves as a warning not to surrender your spiritual growth lightly. Difficulties and doubts are part of any spiritual journey, but they should be confronted and examined rather than avoided. This period of struggle could be a transformative one, leading you to deeper understanding and commitment to your spiritual path.

Seven of Wands and Manifesting


The Seven of Wands is often associated with courage, defending one’s position, and standing up against adversity. When used for manifestation, it can serve as a powerful symbol for the type of energy you should channel to make your intentions come to life. Here are some ways you can use the Seven of Wands tarot card for manifestation:

Defending Your Vision: Meditate on the Seven of Wands to reinforce your commitment to your vision. Imagine yourself successfully defending your dreams against doubts and naysayers, both internal and external. This visualization will serve as a mental and emotional armor as you work towards your goals.

Creating Boundaries: The Seven of Wands speaks to the need for setting healthy boundaries. If you’re manifesting a particular circumstance that requires focused energy, this card can serve as a reminder to guard your time and emotional resources from distractions or negative influences.

Courage in Action: Use this card as a source of courage and determination. If you’re facing obstacles or challenges while trying to manifest your goals, the Seven of Wands can inspire you to stand your ground and fight for what you believe in.

Focused Will: The card represents not just physical or emotional defense but also defending your will against wavering and uncertainty. Place the Seven of Wands on your manifestation altar, or carry it with you as a daily reminder to maintain a focused will, which is essential in the manifestation process.

Resilience: The energy of this card can help you develop resilience against setbacks and disappointments. Meditate on the Seven of Wands to imbue your spirit with its unyielding nature, helping you bounce back quickly and continue on your manifestation journey.

By channeling the Seven of Wands’ energies of courage, assertiveness, and resilience, you can strengthen your resolve and manifest your desires more effectively.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I am strong, fearless, and unyielding in the pursuit of my dreams.”
  2. “I set clear boundaries to protect my energy and focus.”
  3. “I courageously stand my ground against any challenges that come my way.”
  4. “I am resilient, bouncing back stronger from any setbacks.”
  5. “My will is focused, and my spirit is indomitable, guiding me to my desired outcome.”

To align with the energy of the Seven of Wands, use these affirmations regularly, particularly when you feel the need for courage or resilience. Consider incorporating them into your daily meditation or manifestation rituals. Visualize each affirmation as a wand you’re holding, defending your sacred space and your goals. Each utterance reinforces your energetic boundaries, strengthens your willpower, and prepares you to face any challenges that lie ahead. By consistently using these affirmations, you are not just uttering words but summoning the steadfast, courageous energy represented by the Seven of Wands.