King of Pentacles Tarot Card
King of Pentacles Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

The Throne

The King of Pentacles sits upon a grand and ornate throne, adorned with symbols of bulls and vines. The throne itself is a representation of stability and authority. The bulls signify his relation to the Earth and the signs of Taurus and Capricorn, while the vines are emblematic of prosperity and growth.

The Pentacle

In his hand, the King holds a singular pentacle, which unlike the Queen of Pentacles, he does not gaze upon. This illustrates his external focus on his empire and the material world. The pentacle signifies wealth, but also responsibility; he is a guardian of not just riches but also of the practical and tangible assets in his domain.

The Sceptre

He also holds a sceptre which is a universal symbol of authority and rulership. The sceptre signifies the King’s dominion over the material and financial realms, reinforcing his role as a leader capable of manifesting prosperity not just for himself but for his realm.

The Robes and Armor

The King wears a robe adorned with grapes and vines, underneath which lies a suit of armor. The robe signifies abundance and pleasure, the gifts of the earth, while the armor underneath denotes his readiness for battle and his resilient nature.

The Landscape

Behind him is a lush and fertile landscape, a garden of plenty. This landscape serves as a symbol of the prosperous domain over which he rules, and the fruits of labor and wise investment.

The Castle

In the distance, a castle can be seen, further emphasizing the idea of a secure and prosperous domain. It symbolizes the end result of a life built upon hard work, business acumen, and practical wisdom.

Correspondences & Associations


The King of Pentacles, like other Kings within the Tarot, could be considered an archetypal figure that echoes the patriarchal rulers found in history and mythology. His authority over the material realm might bring to mind figures like Midas or Solomon—individuals renowned for their wealth and wisdom in matters of governance and commerce.


The King of Pentacles is chiefly associated with Earth, the element signifying stability, practicality, and material wealth. Earth represents grounding forces and the kind of reliability that stands the test of time. This card embodies these qualities, especially in the realms of business, finance, and practical achievements.


Astrologically, the King of Pentacles resonates with the sign of Taurus, though he embodies qualities of all Earth signs including Virgo and Capricorn. Taurus and its ruling planet Venus confer upon this card themes of beauty, pleasure, and the material world. The King is a figure who has mastered the art of manifestation in the physical realm.


The King cards do not have a singular association with a specific number, but they are often linked to the number 4, which signifies stability, structure, and a solid foundation. These qualities are abundantly evident in the King of Pentacles who embodies a dependable and authoritative energy.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the King cards are generally associated with the Sephirah of Malchut, which signifies Kingship or Sovereignty. Malchut is the final Sephirah, and it’s where all the divine energy collected in the Tree of Life finally becomes manifest in the material world.

Jungian Archetypes

From a Jungian perspective, the King of Pentacles would be aligned with the archetype of the Ruler or the King. This archetype represents control, especially over the ‘kingdom’ of one’s life and circumstances. Psychologically, this signifies a personality that desires order, and who is willing to take the necessary steps to create prosperity and security.

The King of Pentacles' Vibe

Master of the material world
Interpreting the King of Pentacles Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Prosperity, Financial Mastery, Stability, Authority, Leadership

General Overview

The King of Pentacles represents the epitome of success in the material world. He is not merely affluent but has the maturity, skill, and wisdom to manage his assets wisely. His kingdom is one of abundance, and he rules with a combination of fiscal acumen and grounded sensibility.

This card typically signals a time when financial and material goals are within reach. It suggests that with diligent effort, sound judgment, and a responsible approach, you will be rewarded. Alternatively, this card may indicate the presence of a person who embodies these traits, one who can offer wise counsel in financial or practical matters.

If you find yourself questioning your ability to succeed or manage material issues, let this card serve as a reminder that you have the inherent wisdom to create your own kingdom of prosperity. The King of Pentacles encourages you to have faith in your abilities.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of love and relationships, the King of Pentacles points to a stable and secure emotional environment. Whether you are in a relationship or seeking one, this card suggests that a grounded and dependable energy will prevail. There may be a focus on building a future together, perhaps involving discussions about joint financial goals or family plans.

If the King represents someone in your life, he will likely be a supportive and faithful partner who values long-term commitment. This individual may also be financially well-off or possess qualities of financial or emotional stability that contribute significantly to the relationship.

Should you be facing difficulties in your relationships, the King advises you to approach issues with maturity and practical wisdom. Solid, tangible actions speak louder than words. Proving your dependability can go a long way in resolving conflicts and strengthening bonds.

Career & Finances

In career readings, the King of Pentacles suggests that you are either in a stable position or headed towards one. Success is likely to come through hard work, diligence, and a focus on long-term goals. Financial gain and promotions are possibilities when this card appears.

For those in business, this card could signify a mentor figure who will provide valuable advice or a profitable partnership. It can also indicate that it’s a favorable time for investments or to start that business you’ve been considering. The King’s presence implies that the circumstances are ripe for financial growth.

If you are facing a career or financial decision, the King counsels you to act with the maturity and wisdom that he embodies. Make practical choices and consider long-term benefits rather than short-term gains. Acting responsibly now will yield future rewards.


Concerning health, the King of Pentacles is a favorable card, often indicating good health and well-being. However, it can also be a reminder to take a mature, sensible approach to your physical wellness, perhaps by incorporating a balanced diet and regular exercise into your routine.

If you’re currently facing health issues, this card can point to the benefit of seeking out reliable medical advice. The King’s energy is practical, and that practicality extends to taking scientifically sound and evidence-based approaches to health.

Regardless of your current health condition, this card encourages a balanced lifestyle that aligns with the Earth element. Cultivate habits that ground you and provide long-term benefits rather than opting for quick fixes or short-term relief.

Spiritual Interpretation

The King of Pentacles’ spiritual message is one of groundedness and connection to the material world as a means of spiritual expression. It reminds us that spirituality is not only about transcending the physical plane but also about engaging with it responsibly and constructively.

This card encourages you to find the divine in everyday life. Whether it’s in the work you do, the relationships you maintain, or the home you build, each offers an opportunity for spiritual growth and expression. It’s about recognizing the inherent value in the material world and using it as a tool for personal and spiritual development.

In a spiritual context, this card may also suggest that it’s a beneficial time for grounding your spiritual insights in practical reality. This could mean offering your skills or resources to serve the community or engaging in practices that align your material life with your spiritual values.

Reversed Meaning


Greed, Financial Recklessness, Materialism, Insecurity, Lack of Authority

General Overview

When the King of Pentacles appears in the reversed position, it often indicates a misuse of material resources or power. This could manifest as greed, shortsightedness, or poor management of assets. The card warns against letting the pursuit of material wealth eclipse other important aspects of life, such as relationships, health, or personal growth.

This reversed King can also signify a person who embodies these negative traits. It might be someone who uses their wealth or status to manipulate or control others. Alternatively, this card can represent a lack of confidence in handling practical matters, such as business, finances, or even day-to-day responsibilities.

Whether it points to characteristics within you or someone else, this reversed King serves as a caution. Be wary of excessive materialism, and remember that wealth is not an end but a means to enrich life in multiple dimensions.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of relationships, a reversed King of Pentacles can indicate a partner who is overly focused on material gain, perhaps at the expense of emotional connection. There might be a tendency to value the trappings of a relationship, like shared property or social status, over the quality of emotional interaction.

This card might also signify insecurity or instability in the relationship, possibly due to financial difficulties or career struggles. Under such circumstances, it becomes easy to overlook the emotional and spiritual bonds that sustain a partnership.

Whether you are in a relationship or seeking one, this card advises you to assess what you truly value in a partner. Material security is crucial, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of emotional fulfillment and mutual respect.

Career & Finances

When it comes to work and finances, the King of Pentacles reversed warns of potential missteps. Be cautious with investments, and avoid get-rich-quick schemes that promise high returns with little effort. The card can indicate poor financial decisions or a lack of foresight in business matters.

This card may also point to a workplace environment where leadership is lacking or where there’s misuse of power. It could represent a boss or supervisor who is ineffective, or perhaps even corrupt.

If you find yourself in a precarious financial or professional situation, this card suggests reassessing your goals and strategies. The reversed King of Pentacles calls for responsible financial planning and ethical business practices.


In matters of health, the reversed King of Pentacles could indicate negligence or excess. This might manifest as ignoring medical advice or engaging in unhealthy behaviors that compromise well-being.

The card also advises against seeking quick fixes for health issues. Avoid fad diets or dubious “miracle cures” that promise instant results. A long-term, balanced approach is often more beneficial.

Take this card as a sign to pay close attention to your body and health, adopting a balanced lifestyle that takes into account not only the physical but also emotional and spiritual well-being.

Spiritual Interpretation

The spiritual message of the King of Pentacles reversed is a caution against materialism obscuring your spiritual path. There’s a danger of becoming so engrossed in worldly concerns that you neglect your inner life and spiritual development.

This card asks you to consider what you’re sacrificing in your pursuit of material gain. Are you neglecting your spiritual growth or your responsibilities to your community and loved ones? Remember, material possessions are temporary, while the soul’s journey is eternal.

On a spiritual note, this card suggests a need for grounding but in a way that is aligned with your higher self. Engage in practices that not only connect you to the Earth but also to your innermost being, thereby achieving a more balanced state of existence.

King of Pentacles and Manifesting


The King of Pentacles is a card associated with material success, mastery, and financial stability. When used for manifestation, this card can serve as an emblem of the type of prosperity and mastery you aim to achieve in your life. Below are ways to incorporate the energy of the King of Pentacles into your manifestation practices:

Financial Prosperity: Use the King of Pentacles as a symbol for financial abundance during your meditation or visualization sessions. Imagine yourself embodying the King’s sense of financial mastery and generosity.

Expertise and Mastery: If you’re looking to become an expert in your field or master a particular skill, keep the King of Pentacles card on your altar or workspace as a reminder of the level of mastery you aim to achieve.

Business Ventures: If you’re manifesting a new business or professional opportunity, use the King of Pentacles as a symbol for the kind of leader you want to be—successful, fair, and highly regarded.

Well-rounded Success: The King of Pentacles is not just about material wealth; he is also about emotional and spiritual richness. Use this card to manifest a balanced, enriched life that satisfies you on multiple levels.

Steadfastness and Commitment: The King is stable and committed. Use the card to remind yourself to be persistent and consistent in your efforts to manifest your desires.

The key to using the King of Pentacles for manifestation lies in understanding its attributes of mastery, financial success, and well-rounded prosperity. Incorporate these qualities into your daily practices and you will be well on your way to manifesting your goals.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I am a master of my own destiny and create abundance in all areas of my life.”
  2. “With each step I take, I am moving closer to financial and emotional prosperity.”
  3. “I am grounded, stable, and secure in my endeavors.”
  4. “I lead with integrity and fairness, creating a world of abundance for myself and others.”
  5. “I am open to receiving wealth and success in alignment with my highest good.”

To align with the energy of the King of Pentacles, you may incorporate these affirmations into your daily routine or your manifestation rituals. Consider saying them aloud each morning to set the tone for the day, or write them in a journal as part of a daily reflection. You can also use these affirmations during meditation, focusing on each one as you breathe deeply, allowing the words to imprint upon your subconscious. In doing so, you channel the King’s attributes of mastery, wealth, and grounded stability, bringing you closer to your manifestation goals.