Book a Private Tarot Reading Session

Welcome to a unique journey into self-discovery and insight. I am Barry, and for nearly 40 years I have read tarot cards for myself and others. Recently, I have chosen the path of guiding individuals through the transformative power of tarot readings. My approach is deeply rooted in empowering you to navigate life’s complexities, making conscious decisions that align with your true self.

What You Will Receive:

A complimentary, personalized tarot reading session designed to offer you clarity, guidance, and insight. Unlike traditional fortune-telling, my readings focus on empowering you to manifest your desires and provide insights into personal dilemmas you are facing. This is a journey to unlock your potential and illuminate paths you might not have seen before.

Your Commitment:

In exchange for this personalized tarot reading, I kindly ask for an ‘honest’ testimonial of your experience. Your feedback is invaluable, as it helps others to understand the potential benefits of a reading and supports me in enhancing my services.

How It Works:

1.  Learn About the Service:

Take a moment to understand the unique approach I take with my tarot readings. This isn’t about predicting the future but guiding you towards understanding your present more deeply and navigating your path with greater awareness.

2.  Book Your Session:

Once you feel ready to embark on this journey, you will find a link at the bottom of this page directing you to my Calendly page. There, you can schedule your complimentary tarot reading session at a time that best suits you. After booking, you will receive a confirmation email containing all the necessary details for our Zoom call.

3.  Prepare for Your Reading:

Think about what areas of your life you’re seeking clarity on or any specific question you have in mind. While not necessary, this can greatly enhance the personal relevance of your reading.

4. Attend Your Reading:

We will meet through Zoom for your session. To fully embrace and benefit from the experience, please find a quiet and comfortable space where you can be open and receptive. Have a pen and paper ready to jot down a question you’re seeking guidance on; articulating your thoughts can significantly enhance the session’s relevance and depth. While not mandatory, having a candle to light is recommended. It not only creates a serene atmosphere conducive to the reading but also aids in establishing an energetic connection, enriching your experience.

5. Share Your Experience:

After your reading, I ask that you share an honest testimonial about your experience, reflecting on how the session resonated with you and any insights or clarity you gained. By providing your testimonial, you graciously grant me permission to share your feedback on my website and social media platforms. This not only celebrates your journey but also inspires others to explore their own paths with tarot. Your voice helps to illuminate the way for others, making your contribution invaluable.

Ready to Begin?

Your journey into deeper understanding and clarity is just a click away. Book your complimentary tarot reading by clicking the button below.