King of Swords Tarot Card
King of Swords Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

The Figure of the King

The figure of the King is a personification of intellectual power and authority, seated on a throne and embodying the Air element. His countenance is stern, his gaze focused and intense, denoting a man of unwavering principle. His sword is upright, symbolizing that truth and justice are the bedrock of his dominion.

The Throne

The throne on which the King sits is adorned with butterflies and clouds, representing transformation and higher thought. This signifies that his ruling perspective is not only of the mind but also transcends to more lofty ideals and spiritual aspects of life.

The Sword

In one hand, he holds an upright sword, a symbol of his intellectual clarity and decisiveness. The sword’s upward position suggests that the King is a man of action, prepared to enforce his judgements and cut through any deception or falsehood.

The Cloudy Skies

The sky behind the King is cloudy, suggesting that he rules during challenging times that require decisive action and intellectual rigor. Yet, he appears undeterred by the winds of change, underlining his steadfastness and commitment to his principles.

The King’s Attire

The King of Swords is adorned in a blue tunic, which symbolizes his alignment with the element of air and signifies wisdom, clarity, and intellectual power. This solid coloration without any other embellishments emphasizes his straightforward nature, focused solely on truth and justice.

Correspondences & Associations


The King of Swords bears symbolism tied to historical and mythological figures of authority, wisdom, and justice, such as King Solomon or even mythological beings like Athena who represent wisdom and strategic warfare. The sword has long been a symbol of authority, justice, and decision-making, found in various cultures and mythologies.


The King of Swords is associated with the element of air. This element represents intellect, communication, and analytical thought. Air is the realm of the mind, focusing on truth, clarity, and justice.


This card is often associated with the air signs of the zodiac: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with a particular focus on Aquarius for its forward-thinking and impartial nature. These signs are linked to intellectual capabilities, rationality, and justice.


The King of Swords is not specifically tied to a single number in numerology, but Kings in the Tarot generally represent the number 4, symbolizing stability and a strong foundation, which in the context of Swords could mean intellectual authority or ethical principles.


In Kabbalistic terms, the King of Swords may be associated with the Sephirah of Tiphereth on the Tree of Life, which stands for beauty and balance, mirroring his balanced sense of justice and strong ethical backbone.

Jungian Archetypes

From a Jungian perspective, this card could be likened to the archetype of the Wise Old Man or the Sage. This archetype represents wisdom, guidance, and authority. The King of Swords embodies the culmination of intellectual maturity and ethical clarity.

The King of Swords' Vibe

The master of reason, guided by truth
Interpreting the King of Swords Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Authority, Intellectual Power, Wisdom, Justice, Clarity

General Overview

The King of Swords epitomizes intellectual prowess, mastery over one’s mental faculties, and a keen sense of justice. This card embodies the culmination of wisdom, often signifying a person of extreme clarity and moral integrity. With his double-edged sword, he cuts through ambiguity, always seeking truth.

When this card appears in a spread, it often indicates a need for rational thought, logic, and fairness. It could represent a judge, a mentor, or anyone in a position of making decisions based on facts rather than emotions. The King’s presence suggests that one should adhere to the principles of fairness, integrity, and intellectual rigor.

This is not a card of emotion, but rather a card of conscious intellect, urging you to employ logical thought and factual analysis in all endeavors. As the King sits in his throne, he reminds us that intellect should not stand alone but be used in the service of justice and higher truth.

Love & Relationships

In matters of love and interpersonal relationships, the King of Swords suggests a relationship based on mutual respect and intellectual compatibility. This is not a card of fiery passion but one of deep understanding and clear communication. Honesty and integrity are highly valued.

If you are in a relationship, this card may suggest a need for a rational approach to resolve issues. Alternatively, it could signify a person within the relationship who embodies the traits of the King—logical, fair, and emotionally balanced.

If you are single, this card could indicate that you may meet someone who shares your intellectual pursuits or ethical views, potentially an older or more mature partner. It could also signify that you should employ rational thought in your search for love.

Career & Finances

In a career reading, the King of Swords is an excellent omen. He indicates strong leadership skills and the ability to make fair and balanced decisions. You are encouraged to handle your responsibilities with integrity and wisdom, as this will lead to favorable outcomes.

Financially, this card suggests that you should make decisions based on facts and logical analysis. Now is not the time for emotional or impulsive spending. A calculated and rational approach to investments or any financial dealings is advised.

It could also indicate a person in a position of authority who may influence your career or financial state positively, someone who is fair and just, and who values your intellectual contributions.


The King of Swords in a health reading indicates a need for a logical and rational approach to your well-being. You should seek out expert advice and may need to undergo diagnostic tests or treatments based on scientific methods.

As a mental health signifier, this card suggests clear-headedness but also warns against emotional detachment. While it’s good to be rational, ignoring emotional well-being could be detrimental.

This card could also signify an expert or medical authority who can provide clear and factual guidance regarding your health issues.

Spiritual Interpretation

The King of Swords encourages you to use your intellect in your spiritual practices. This may be a good time to study spiritual texts, engage in philosophical discussions or even take up meditative practices that focus on mental clarity.

This card also speaks to the concept of Divine Justice and Karmic law. Your actions, both good and bad, have spiritual repercussions. Being just, fair, and ethical aligns you with higher spiritual forces.

Ultimately, the King reminds us that the path to spiritual enlightenment also includes the intellectual journey. Wisdom, justice, and integrity are not just worldly pursuits but are integral to a well-rounded spiritual life.

Reversed Meaning


Manipulation, Tyranny, Cruelty, Ruthlessness, Misuse of Power

General Overview

In its reversed position, the King of Swords becomes a stern warning against the misuse of intellectual and authoritative power. Here, the same attributes that in their upright form indicate wisdom and justice, may turn to manipulation, deceit, and tyranny. The sword that once stood for truth now may signify coercive force or malicious intent.

When this card appears in a reversed position, it often suggests a situation or individual involved in manipulating facts, spreading falsehoods, or misusing their authoritative position for personal gain. Unlike the upright King who balances intellect with moral integrity, the reversed King of Swords lacks the ethical underpinning that legitimizes authority.

This card is a cautionary indicator, urging you to be wary of decisions or judgments that may not be grounded in ethical considerations. It also warns against intellectual arrogance and the dismissal of emotional intelligence.

Love & Relationships

In matters of love, a reversed King of Swords may signify a relationship where manipulation and control are at play. One party may be using their intellectual or communicative abilities to dominate or deceive. This is hardly the foundation for a stable, loving relationship and calls for serious introspection and possibly, intervention.

If you are in a relationship, this card could indicate a partner or even yourself engaging in manipulative tactics, emotional neglect, or even verbal abuse. It suggests an urgent need for open, honest, and loving communication to resolve these issues.

For those who are single, the reversed King may serve as a warning against engaging with someone who seems too controlling or deceptive. It encourages you to employ your own intellectual faculties to discern the character of potential partners.

Career & Finances

In a career context, the reversed King of Swords often warns of a toxic environment, perhaps characterized by an abusive boss or deceitful colleagues. This card urges you to handle such situations with care and to protect yourself from being exploited.

Financially, this card suggests that this is not a time for risky investments, especially those that seem “too good to be true.” It might also warn against taking financial or career advice from someone who may have a hidden agenda.

This card can also indicate that you may be in a position where you are tempted to use your intellectual capabilities for unethical gains. It serves as a strong warning against such actions, as they may result in long-term negative consequences.


In the realm of health, a reversed King of Swords advises caution. There may be misdiagnosis or misinformation. It is important to seek second opinions and to ensure that your health concerns are being addressed with the utmost integrity.

Mentally, this card suggests a period where you may not be thinking clearly. Emotional or psychological manipulation could be affecting your mental health, urging the need for professional advice.

For physical ailments, be sure to consult qualified professionals and perhaps seek alternative therapies if current treatments seem ineffective or misleading.

Spiritual Interpretation

In the spiritual context, the reversed King of Swords can be a warning against dogmatism or the misuse of spiritual principles for selfish or harmful ends. Rather than enhancing your spiritual life, such attitudes may set you back in your spiritual journey.

The card calls you to question your own beliefs and to ensure that your spiritual path is based on a foundation of genuine wisdom and openness, rather than strict dogma or manipulative practices.

While the upright King aligns intellect with spiritual wisdom, the reversed King cautions that intellect without heart can lead to a spiritually impoverished life. This is a time to focus on balancing knowledge with compassion and ethical integrity.

King of Swords and Manifesting


The King of Swords embodies the traits of intellectual mastery, clear thinking, and sound judgment, making it a potent tool for manifesting goals that require strategy, communication, and leadership. To harness the energies of this card for manifestation, you might focus on the following approaches:

Clarification of Vision: Use the energy of the King of Swords to gain crystal-clear clarity on what you wish to manifest. Write down your intentions, make a vision board, or engage in meditative practices that help you hone in on your true desires.

Strategic Planning: Channel the King’s strategic mindset to create a detailed, step-by-step plan that will guide you towards your goal. This might involve research, brainstorming, and consulting experts or mentors to gain insights into how best to achieve your aims.

Effective Communication: If your manifestation involves networking, speaking, writing, or other forms of communication, call upon the King of Swords to bless you with eloquence and persuasiveness.

Assertive Action: The King of Swords is a natural leader who takes calculated risks. Invoke his energy to help you take decisive action, unclouded by emotional turmoil or indecision.

Ethical Integrity: Ensure that your manifestation efforts are guided by ethical principles, fairness, and justice, much like the King would do. This is important for long-term success and for attracting the right kind of energies into your life.

Accountability: Use the King’s energy to hold yourself accountable to your goals and plans. Regularly check-in to measure your progress and adjust your strategies as necessary.

The King of Swords offers you the ability to cut through illusions, focus your mind, and execute your plans with authority. By aligning yourself with these attributes, you can become a magnet for the energies you wish to draw into your life.

Affirmations to use

1. “I am a clear thinker and effective communicator.”
2.  “I lead with wisdom, integrity, and fairness.”
3.  “I take decisive action based on sound judgment.”
4.  “I cut through confusion and see the truth.”
5.  “I am in control of my thoughts, emotions, and actions.”

To align with the energy of the King of Swords, consider incorporating these affirmations into your daily routine. You might write them down and place them somewhere you will see them often, or perhaps speak them aloud during a morning or evening meditation. The King of Swords represents qualities like strategic thinking, eloquence, and ethical leadership. As you affirm these statements, visualize yourself embodying these traits in situations that matter most to you, be it in your career, personal relationships, or individual pursuits. Allow the affirmations to guide your actions and decisions, helping you to live up to the highest expressions of this powerful Tarot archetype.