Six of Swords Tarot Card
Six of Swords Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

The Boat

The boat symbolizes the vehicle of transition, carrying the figures from a state of turmoil to a calmer, more peaceful space. The vessel represents the necessary means to make the journey, both literally and metaphorically.

Figures in the Boat

The adult and child inside the boat represent the facets of human experience, both mature and innocent, taking the journey together. They also symbolize the idea that change and transition are an inherent part of life, affecting people at all stages.

The Man with the Oar

The man wielding the oar is symbolic of guidance and the external forces that help us along our journey. He may represent a mentor, guardian, or the universe itself aiding in the transition from a troubled state to a more peaceful one. His purposeful rowing suggests a well-guided, intentional journey towards something better.

Swords in the Boat

The six swords placed in the boat symbolize the intellectual and emotional baggage that one carries even when moving towards better circumstances. While the journey is aimed at a more positive destination, the past experiences, represented by the swords, continue to shape us.


The river represents emotional currents and the flow of life. The calmness of the water in this card suggests that the journey will not be perilous, but rather a peaceful transition towards a more stable condition.

Distant Shore

The distant shore, often depicted as being more inviting than the point of departure, symbolizes the better circumstances that lie ahead. It is the promise of a more stable and peaceful environment after the struggle.

Correspondences & Associations


The Six of Swords can be seen as a modern-day interpretation of the mythological concept of a journey, often by boat, from a place of despair to one of hope. Similar motifs are found in various cultures, including the story of Charon, the ferryman in Greek mythology who takes souls across the River Styx to the underworld.


The element associated with the Swords suit is Air, representing intellect, communication, and thought processes. In the Six of Swords, this intellectual air energy is channeled into making rational decisions to move toward a more promising situation, illustrating the positive aspect of analytical thinking.


The astrological sign most often associated with the Six of Swords is Mercury in Aquarius. This association implies intellect, innovation, and detachment, which are attributes that facilitate the journey from trouble to tranquility.


The number 6 is typically associated with harmony, balance, and emotional peace. In the context of the Six of Swords, the number signifies the transitional state from imbalance to equilibrium.


The Six of Swords corresponds to Tiphereth on the Tree of Life, which is the Sephira of beauty, balance, and integration. This placement suggests the harmonious union of different aspects of life, facilitating a more balanced and pleasing existence.

Jungian Archetypes

The Jungian archetype closely related to this card is the “Guide” or the “Wise Old Man/Woman.” It signifies the internal wisdom and guidance that lead us from problematic scenarios toward clarity, healing, and growth.

The Six of Swords' Vibe

Leaving turmoil behind
Interpreting the Six of Swords Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Transition, Journey, Healing, Mental Clarity, Improved Circumstances

General Overview

The Six of Swords signifies a necessary journey or transition. It is a movement away from turbulent waters into a more peaceful and predictable state. This card does not necessarily denote immediate joy but does indicate the alleviation of immediate troubles, steering your life towards a more stable condition.

When the Six of Swords appears, it’s often a sign that you’re headed towards a better future, but not without carrying the lessons or scars of the past with you. Thus, it’s a card of hope but also one of deep reflection.

The imagery implies a collaborative effort; you’re not alone on this journey. Whether it’s emotional support or actual physical assistance, you’ll have the help you need to move into this new phase of life.

Love & Relationships

In the context of love and relationships, the Six of Swords could indicate moving away from conflicts and into a period of understanding or reconciliation. It might mean a physical move, but more often, it signifies an emotional or mental shift.

However, the change might require sacrifices. One or both partners may need to compromise to make the relationship work, but the outcome is usually more favorable and peaceful. Alternatively, if a relationship can’t be saved, the Six of Swords could suggest a less traumatic or more mutual breakup.

Overall, this card is about better communication and smoother times ahead, but not without first navigating through some complexities.

Career & Finances

In terms of career, the Six of Swords could indicate moving towards a more stable or satisfying job situation. If you’ve been dealing with office politics or dissatisfaction, expect things to improve.

However, this progress might require something from you, such as acquiring new skills or even relocating. The message is that the sacrifice will be worth it.

Financially, the card suggests that while things may not become abundant immediately, you’re moving towards a more sustainable and secure financial condition.


In a health reading, this card might signify a period of recovery or moving away from illness. If you’ve been suffering from health issues, the Six of Swords points towards improvement or stabilization.

However, this transition might involve a change in lifestyle or treatment. You are advised to heed the counsel of healthcare practitioners.

It’s a journey toward better health, but it requires your proactive involvement; lifestyle changes, medicine, or even a change of environment may be necessary.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, the Six of Swords marks a rite of passage. You’re moving from a spiritually ‘dark’ phase into one of more light and understanding.

This transition may come after a period of questioning or doubting your faith. But now you’re moving toward a more enlightened state, perhaps embracing a new spiritual practice or finding a community that resonates with you.

It’s a card that signifies soul evolution, your inner journey from ignorance to wisdom, from despair to hope. Although the full understanding of this transformation may not be immediate, you’re on the right path.

Reversed Meaning


Stagnation, Unwillingness to Move On, Resistance to Change, Delayed Transition

General Overview

The Six of Swords in its reversed position suggests a reluctance or inability to move forward. Unlike the upright position which represents transition and change, the reversed card indicates stagnation. It could mean you are resisting the very change that might free you from your current troubles.

This resistance to change could be due to fear, lack of resources, or simply an emotional attachment to the situation you are in. Whatever the cause, the Six of Swords reversed advises you to face your circumstances, as avoiding change is likely to keep you in turbulent waters for longer than necessary.

The card can also indicate a return to a previously troublesome situation or going back on a decision to change. This can be cautionary; consider whether you are regressing or genuinely resolving unfinished business.

Love & Relationships

In love and relationships, the reversed Six of Swords could signify a difficulty in moving past arguments, disagreements, or past wounds. It might also indicate a relationship that is stuck in a negative cycle.

This position can also mean that you or your partner are avoiding making a difficult but necessary decision, such as taking the next step to deepen the relationship or choosing to separate for the betterment of both.

However, the card can sometimes represent a positive return to a past relationship, but only if prior issues are genuinely resolved and both parties are willing to work on the relationship anew.

Career & Finances

In the realm of career and finances, the reversed Six of Swords suggests a lack of progress or setbacks in plans. Perhaps a job offer falls through, or a business venture faces delays.

There could be reluctance to leave an unsatisfactory job because of security concerns or fear of the unknown. The card advises that avoiding change is not the solution and could result in a more complex situation in the long run.

Financially, this card advises you to be cautious with investments and avoid hasty financial decisions, as they may lead you back into difficulty.


If this card appears in a health-related query, it can indicate delays in recovery or an unwillingness to follow medical advice. It may also signify being emotionally stuck, which could be manifesting as physical symptoms.

It’s essential to be proactive in seeking help and following through with treatments or lifestyle changes, even if they’re difficult or uncomfortable.

The card could also signify returning to unhealthy habits or neglecting one’s health. Caution is advised.

Spiritual Interpretation

Spiritually, the reversed Six of Swords may indicate a period of spiritual stagnation or doubt. You may be questioning your beliefs but doing nothing to seek answers.

This card suggests the need for introspection, perhaps a reassessment of your spiritual goals and practices. Your resistance to change is delaying your spiritual progress.

As difficult as it might be, facing your doubts or fears and taking steps to resolve them will help you in your spiritual journey. While the process may be uncomfortable, it’s crucial for your spiritual growth.

Six of Swords and Manifesting


The Six of Swords is a card that typically symbolizes transitions, journeys, and moving towards a more stable or beneficial state. Here’s how you can use this card for the purpose of manifestation:

Transition to Better Circumstances: The Six of Swords represents a journey from troubled waters to calmer ones. Meditate on this card when you’re trying to manifest a transition to better circumstances, whether it’s a new job, relationship, or living situation.

Mental Healing and Clarity: If your manifestation goals are related to achieving emotional peace or mental clarity, the Six of Swords can help focus your intentions. Its energies are those of moving away from mental turmoil towards a state of clearer understanding and inner calm.

Journey and Exploration: If your manifesting goals involve travel or exploring new opportunities, the Six of Swords can serve as a powerful symbol. Meditate on the card as you visualize your upcoming journey, allowing its energies to attract the circumstances that will make it happen.

Release and Letting Go: The Six of Swords can also represent the need to release or let go of something in order to move forward. If what you’re trying to manifest involves leaving behind old habits, thoughts, or situations, this card can serve as a powerful tool for aiding in that release.

Finding Solutions: This card often represents problem-solving and the successful navigation through challenges. If you’re looking to manifest solutions to problems you’ve been facing, meditating on the Six of Swords can help focus your intentions and bring about practical solutions.

By aligning with the energies of transition, clarity, and problem-solving that the Six of Swords embodies, you can better focus your manifesting efforts and move towards your desired outcomes with greater ease.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I am peacefully transitioning into a better phase of my life.”
  2. “Clarity and understanding now fill my mind and heart.”
  3. “Every journey I take brings me closer to my true self and purpose.”
  4. “I release what no longer serves me, making space for new blessings.”
  5. “I am guided by wisdom and navigate challenges with ease.”

To align with the energy of the Six of Swords, it would be beneficial to recite these affirmations daily, especially during moments of meditation or quiet reflection. You might also consider writing them down and placing them where you will see them throughout the day. This card is all about transitions and moving towards a more stable or beneficial state, both mentally and situationally. These affirmations are designed to focus your energy and thoughts on peaceful transitions, clarity, and effective problem-solving, thereby mirroring the journey from turbulent to calmer waters that the Six of Swords represents. By repeating them, you’re calling in the energy of positive change and mental clarity, helping you manifest the transitions or solutions you seek.