The Tower Tarot Card
The Tower Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

The Tower Itself

The central structure, tall and solid, symbolizes the constructs and institutions we build in our lives, be they beliefs, values, or relationships. Its sudden destruction reminds us that even the most seemingly permanent and stable things can be upended in an instant.

Lightning Bolt

The bolt of lightning that strikes the tower signifies a sudden, unforeseen force of change or realization. It can also be seen as a divine intervention, cutting through our illusions and making us see the truth.

The Crown

Falling from the top of the tower, the crown represents loss of power or control. It emphasizes that no matter how high or mighty, everything can be toppled.

Figures Falling

The human figures plunging from the tower symbolize the abruptness of the change, the sense of being ungrounded, and the chaos that can ensue when our foundational beliefs are challenged or destroyed.


Emanating from the windows of the tower, the flames signal distress, turmoil, and destruction. They embody the purifying nature of fire, which clears away the old to make way for the new.

Gray Clouds

The dark clouds surrounding the scene emphasize the stormy and tumultuous nature of the event, underscoring the sense of upheaval and unpredictability.

Correspondences & Associations


The Tower, depicted as a structure struck by lightning and crumbling, is reminiscent of the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel, a monument to human pride and defiance of God which was destroyed. Historically, it can also be related to any number of events wherein established structures, whether they be of thought, power, or society, were suddenly and dramatically overthrown.


The Tower is associated with the element of Fire. Fire, in tarot, is both a purifying and destructive force. It consumes what is no longer needed and clears the way for new growth. The qualities associated with this element in this card can be impulsiveness, sudden change, and destruction leading to revelation.


Astrologically, The Tower is linked to the planet Mars. Mars is the planet of war, energy, action, and desire. It brings with it sudden change, conflict, and upheaval but also drives forward momentum and breakthroughs.


The Tower is numbered 16 in the Major Arcana. In numerology, the number 16 is broken down into 1 + 6, which equals 7. The number 7 represents spiritual insight, introspection, and inner wisdom. In the context of this card, it suggests that through the challenges and chaos, there lies a deeper understanding and spiritual truth to be discovered.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, The Tower corresponds to the path between Netzach (Eternity) and Hod (Glory), indicating a disruption of the balance between enduring structures and the intellectual framework, leading to transformation and a new perspective.

Jungian Archetypes

From a Jungian perspective, The Tower can be associated with the archetype of “The Fall” or “The Catastrophe.” This archetype deals with sudden upheaval, revelations, and the shattering of illusions. It forces the individual to confront the foundations of their beliefs and can lead to profound transformation and rebirth.

Says The Tower

From destruction rises a new foundation
Interpreting The Tower Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Upheaval, Sudden Change, Revelation, Chaos, Awakening

General Overview

The Tower card depicts a dramatic scene: a tall tower struck by lightning, with flames erupting from its windows and figures plummeting towards the ground. This scene captures a moment of sudden and unexpected disruption, upheaval, or revelation. It suggests that the structures, beliefs, or situations that one thought were stable and dependable are not as secure as assumed. The appearance of The Tower card in a reading is a clear sign that change is not only imminent but also necessary, and this change may be jarring or uncomfortable.

The card’s message isn’t entirely negative. While it does signal destruction, it also paves the way for transformation and rebirth. The destruction of the tower frees one from outdated beliefs, perceptions, and structures, offering an opportunity to rebuild on a more authentic foundation.

It’s worth noting that the lightning which strikes the tower, while a force of destruction, is also a symbol of enlightenment. This suggests that the upheavals brought by The Tower often lead to clarity and truth, even if the initial experience is shocking or difficult.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of love and relationships, The Tower might point towards sudden events or revelations that shake the foundation of a relationship. This could be in the form of unexpected news, a realization, or external factors that test the bond between partners. The card may be signaling a breakup, a betrayal, or a significant disagreement.

However, the presence of The Tower doesn’t necessarily spell the end. Instead, it prompts both individuals to evaluate the relationship’s foundations. Are they built on trust, mutual respect, and genuine love? Or are they based on illusions or unsustainable elements? This card offers an opportunity for rebuilding, but only after facing the reality and addressing underlying issues.

For those seeking love, The Tower can indicate the need to shatter illusions or beliefs about love, allowing one to approach future relationships with clarity and authenticity.

Career & Finances

In matters of career and finances, The Tower warns of unexpected disruptions. This could manifest as sudden job loss, a project failing, a business deal falling through, or unforeseen expenses. The card emphasizes the unpredictable nature of such events, suggesting that they’re often outside one’s control.

While the initial impact can be challenging, this card reminds one to find resilience. The old way may no longer work, and it’s an opportunity to innovate, adapt, and rebuild with a more sustainable approach.

Sometimes, the universe forces change upon us to push us in a direction more aligned with our true purpose or potential. This is a reminder to have safeguards in place, like savings or backup plans, to navigate unexpected challenges.


When related to health, The Tower can be a warning sign of sudden health issues or events. It emphasizes the need for vigilance and not to take one’s health for granted. Regular check-ups, listening to one’s body, and seeking medical advice when something feels off are crucial.

However, The Tower can also signify a sudden revelation about one’s health or habits that prompts a transformative journey. This could be the moment of realization that pushes someone to adopt a healthier lifestyle, break free from harmful habits, or seek healing.

In any case, this card advises taking proactive steps towards health and well-being and being prepared for unexpected turns.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, The Tower’s destruction symbolizes the shattering of illusions and false beliefs. It’s a spiritual awakening, albeit a jolting one. Those firm beliefs or spiritual practices one held may suddenly feel inauthentic or misaligned.

This card is a call to return to one’s spiritual core. It challenges one to let go of external structures and delve deep within to rediscover authentic spiritual truths. The process, while challenging, leads to profound spiritual growth.

In essence, The Tower’s spiritual message is one of rebirth. From the ruins of the old, a new and more genuine spiritual path emerges, built on true understanding and inner revelation.

Reversed Meaning


Avoidance, Delayed Upheaval, Fear of Change, Internal Unrest

General Overview

When The Tower appears reversed, it signals that the anticipated upheaval or disruption is either being delayed, avoided, or is happening internally. In some cases, it might indicate that one is consciously trying to avoid a necessary collapse or change, potentially prolonging the inevitable. This resistance can arise from fear of change or unwillingness to face certain truths.

Another interpretation could be that the disruptive events symbolized by the upright Tower have already occurred, and now there’s a period of dealing with the aftermath, or perhaps there’s a more subtle, internal realization without external drama. The reversed Tower can also indicate internal turmoil, where one’s inner world is going through upheaval, even if outwardly everything seems calm.

While the reversed Tower might seem gentler than its upright counterpart, it’s essential not to overlook the card’s warnings. Avoiding necessary changes or not dealing with the consequences of past actions can lead to greater complications in the future.

Love & Relationships

In the context of love and relationships, The Tower reversed can point to a reluctance to acknowledge problems or issues. There might be a tendency to avoid conflicts, deny potential issues, or procrastinate on crucial conversations. While this avoidance might maintain short-term peace, unresolved issues can fester and lead to greater problems down the line.

For some, this card could hint at a past relationship’s lingering effects, where the disruption has already taken place, but emotional healing and processing are still ongoing. In such scenarios, it’s a reminder to give oneself time to heal and gain clarity before rushing into new romantic endeavors.

For singles, this card might indicate a fear of committing or opening up due to past traumas or upheavals, suggesting the need for self-reflection and healing before embracing new relationships.

Career & Finances

In matters of career, The Tower reversed can indicate a reluctance to accept or act upon changes in the workplace. This might be seen in ignoring signs of company instability, refusing to adapt to new technologies, or avoiding necessary shifts in one’s career path. While staying in one’s comfort zone is tempting, this card warns that delaying inevitable changes can be detrimental in the long run.

Financially, The Tower reversed might hint at avoiding facing debts, procrastinating on essential financial decisions, or being in denial about one’s financial situation. It’s a call to confront these matters head-on, to ensure long-term stability.

Overall, while the immediate challenges might seem daunting, addressing them directly will lead to a more stable and prosperous professional and financial future.


Concerning health, The Tower reversed might suggest an avoidance of health issues or reluctance to accept a diagnosis. There could be a tendency to dismiss symptoms, delay medical check-ups, or avoid necessary treatments. This card serves as a reminder of the importance of proactive health management and facing health concerns directly.

For others, it might signify an internal, emotional upheaval impacting one’s health, such as stress, anxiety, or suppressed emotions. Recognizing the mind-body connection and addressing emotional well-being is crucial.

Ultimately, this card emphasizes the importance of vigilance, self-care, and not allowing fears or denial to interfere with one’s well-being.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, The Tower reversed can suggest internal spiritual unrest. There might be doubts, questions, or challenges to one’s spiritual beliefs that are yet to surface fully. This period of questioning, while unsettling, can lead to profound spiritual growth as it encourages deeper introspection and seeking genuine truths.

For some, this card might indicate a delay in a necessary spiritual awakening or realization. This delay might be due to fear of change, attachment to old beliefs, or reluctance to face certain spiritual truths.

The Tower and Manifesting


The Tower tarot card often brings images of sudden upheaval, chaos, and destruction, making it seem a bit counterintuitive to use it for manifestation. However, every tarot card has a depth and richness to its symbolism, and The Tower is no exception. Here’s how one can use The Tower for manifestation:

Embracing Change: The primary lesson of The Tower is about the inevitability of change. If you’re manifesting a significant shift in your life, The Tower can be a powerful ally. It reminds you to let go of rigid structures or beliefs that no longer serve you.

Clearing the Ground for New Growth: Sometimes, before we can manifest something new, we need to clear away the old. The Tower signifies the destruction of what no longer serves, making way for fresh beginnings. Visualize the crumbling tower as old, limiting beliefs or obstacles getting out of your path.

Overcoming Fear: The suddenness of The Tower’s energy can be alarming, but it also teaches resilience. By meditating on this card, you can build inner strength and courage, essential qualities for manifesting your true desires.

Rebuilding: Once the dust has settled, there’s an opportunity to rebuild. Use The Tower’s energy to envision the new structures, relationships, or beliefs you’d like to manifest. Focus on the foundation, ensuring it’s strong and aligned with your intentions.

Transformation: At its core, The Tower is about profound transformation. It’s a force that pushes you out of your comfort zone, thrusting you into a new reality. By aligning with this transformative energy, you can accelerate the manifestation of your desired changes.

To utilize The Tower for manifestation:

  • Place the card on your altar or in your sacred space.
  • Meditate on its imagery, embracing the feelings of change and transformation.
  • Visualize the old structures in your life crumbling away, making space for the new.
  • Affirm your readiness to embrace change, face fears, and rebuild with intention.
  • Carry a symbol of the card (like a small printed version) with you as a reminder of your commitment to transformation and growth.

Remember, manifestation often requires change, and The Tower can be your guide through this turbulent but transformative process.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I embrace change as a path to my highest good.”
  2. “Out of chaos comes clarity and a fresh beginning.”
  3. “I release what no longer serves me, making space for new blessings.”
  4. “Every challenge brings an opportunity for growth and transformation.”
  5. “I am resilient, adaptable, and ready for positive shifts in my life.”

To align with the energy of The Tower card using these affirmations, one must approach them with an open heart and mind, ready to accept the inevitable changes life presents. Begin by finding a quiet space where you can focus and meditate. Visualize the imagery of The Tower – lightning striking, structures crumbling, yet the foundation remains, ready for rebuilding. As you breathe deeply, repeat each affirmation, allowing its essence to resonate within you. Embrace the understanding that change, even when abrupt, leads to evolution and growth. By incorporating these affirmations into your daily routine, either in the morning to set your intention or at night to reflect, you’ll better harness The Tower’s transformative energy, guiding you towards profound personal growth.