The Hanged Man Tarot Card
The Hanged Man Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

The Gallows

The gallows from which the man is suspended symbolizes the world tree, a representation of the universe in Norse mythology. This tree is an ancient motif that connects the heavens, the terrestrial world, and the underworld. The Hanged Man’s suspension from the tree suggests a voluntary sacrifice for the sake of a greater understanding or purpose.

The Inverted Pose

The man’s upside-down hanging indicates a perspective shift or a reversal of one’s usual way of thinking. This inversion can be seen as surrendering to a higher power or knowledge, embracing a different viewpoint, or undergoing a personal transformation. The surrender is not one of suffering but a conscious choice to let go for a greater spiritual gain.

The Halo

The bright halo around the Hanged Man’s head signifies enlightenment, spiritual realization, and an awakening to new truths. Even in his suspended state, there is a sense of peace and acceptance, indicating that he has reached a higher level of understanding and is at peace with his current state.

The Crossed Legs

The position of the Hanged Man’s legs forms an inverted number four. The number four is associated with stability and a strong foundation, but here it is turned on its head, emphasizing disruption and a need to see things from a new angle. This position also mirrors the tarot’s Empress card, suggesting fertility and the creation of new ideas through sacrifice.

The Serene Expression

Despite his seemingly uncomfortable position, the Hanged Man’s face is calm and serene. This peaceful expression indicates that his sacrifice is not one of physical pain or distress but rather a spiritual or emotional surrender. It’s a testament to the inner tranquility that can be achieved when one releases material or worldly concerns and seeks a deeper understanding.

Correspondences & Associations


The Hanged Man’s imagery is reminiscent of ancient initiation rites where a symbolic death leads to rebirth and enlightenment. Mythologically, it brings to mind the Norse god, Odin, who hung himself from the world tree, Yggdrasil, for nine days and nights to gain the wisdom of runes. This act of sacrifice for greater knowledge and insight is a central theme of The Hanged Man.


Water is the element associated with The Hanged Man, reflecting the emotional and intuitive aspects of the card. Water is fluid, adaptable, and delves deep, much like the introspective and surrendering qualities of The Hanged Man. It signifies going with the flow and allowing oneself to be submerged in feelings, intuition, and the unconscious.


Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions, and higher spirituality, is linked with The Hanged Man. It represents the dissolution of ego boundaries, promoting spiritual insights and enlightenment. Neptune’s influence encourages sacrifices and surrender for the greater good or a higher purpose.


The Hanged Man is associated with the number 12 in the tarot. In numerology, the number 12 is often reduced to 3 (1 + 2). The number 3 is a number of creativity, expression, and the synthesis of opposites. It signifies a transformative process where challenges or sacrifices lead to growth and enlightenment.


In the Tree of Life from the Kabbalistic tradition, The Hanged Man is linked to the path that connects Hod (splendor, intellect) to Netzach (eternity, emotion). This path represents the equilibrium and synthesis of intellect and emotion, a balance achieved by viewing things from a fresh perspective or undergoing personal sacrifice.

Jungian Archetypes

The Hanged Man aligns with the Jungian archetype of the “Sacrifice.” This archetype encapsulates individuals or figures that give up something valuable, often themselves, for a greater good or profound transformation. Psychologically, it speaks to moments when one must let go of previous beliefs, ego, or desires to progress spiritually or emotionally.

Says The Hanged Man

By hanging in suspension, I see the world anew
Interpreting The Hanged Man Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Sacrifice, Pause, Reflection, Letting go, Perspective, Contemplation

General Overview

The Hanged Man heralds a moment of suspension, a time to view the world from a different angle. Symbolically, it represents voluntary sacrifice or the act of letting go to attain something of greater value. This card suggests that by surrendering to a new perspective or making a personal sacrifice, one can achieve enlightenment or a deeper understanding.

The figure in the card is serene, indicating that the act of letting go or the pause is not one of suffering but of peaceful contemplation. There’s a sense of voluntary surrender, emphasizing the benefits that come from taking a step back. It’s about seeing things in a new light, even if it means putting certain matters on hold or sacrificing short-term desires for long-term gains.

In life, we often face situations where we feel ‘stuck’ or in limbo. The Hanged Man reminds us that these moments can be turned into opportunities for reflection, growth, and a shift in perspective, guiding us towards a more enlightened path.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of love and relationships, The Hanged Man can signify a period of introspection about what one truly desires in a partnership. It may indicate that it’s time to let go of certain expectations or to see a relationship from a new angle. For those seeking love, it suggests that there might be a need to release old wounds or perceptions before embarking on a new romantic journey.

For those in a relationship, it may denote a phase where things seem to be at a standstill. However, this pause allows for deeper understanding and clarity. It’s an invitation to look inward and reflect on personal needs, desires, and the direction the relationship is headed.

The card also emphasizes the idea that love often requires sacrifice. Whether it’s compromising to maintain harmony or taking a step back to allow space and growth, the essence of The Hanged Man is about understanding and embracing the sacrifices made in the name of love.

Career & Finances

The Hanged Man in a career context indicates a period of pause or delay. Projects might be on hold, or there may be a feeling of being stuck in one’s career path. However, this time can be used constructively to reflect upon one’s true vocational desires and how they align with current pursuits.

Financially, this card suggests a need for patience. Investments might not yield immediate returns, or there could be unexpected delays in financial plans. Rather than seeing these as setbacks, it’s a chance to reassess and realign one’s financial strategies.

The essence here is to understand that sometimes, inaction or waiting can be beneficial. Whether it’s waiting for the right job opportunity or the right moment to make a financial move, this card emphasizes the virtues of patience and reflection in the realms of work and finance.


The Hanged Man, when drawn in the context of health, signals a need for rest and recuperation. It’s a reminder to pause and listen to one’s body, understanding that healing, both physical and emotional, often requires time and patience.

This card can also point towards alternative therapies or unconventional methods of treatment. Just as the figure in the card sees the world from a different perspective, so too might one benefit from a fresh approach to health and well-being.

Most importantly, The Hanged Man underscores the connection between mental peace and physical well-being. A period of reflection, meditation, or simply taking a break can be beneficial for overall health.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, The Hanged Man is a profound card. It speaks of the sacrifices one makes on the spiritual path and the enlightenment that comes from viewing the world from a renewed perspective. The upside-down stance of the figure symbolizes a departure from conventional views, indicating a transcendence of worldly matters.

This card also touches upon the theme of surrender, not in defeat, but in yielding to the higher self or the universe. It’s about letting go of ego-driven desires to connect with a higher purpose or understanding.

Ultimately, The Hanged Man offers a message of hope. It suggests that by embracing periods of stillness, introspection, and even sacrifice, one can align more closely with their spiritual purpose, gaining deeper insights and understanding.

Reversed Meaning


Stagnation, Resistance, Unwilling sacrifice, Delays, Missed opportunities

General Overview

When The Hanged Man appears reversed, it signals a resistance to change or an unwillingness to see things from a different perspective. Instead of a voluntary pause for introspection, there’s a feeling of being stuck due to one’s own stubbornness or fear. The natural flow of events is being hindered, not by external factors, but by internal resistances and reluctance to let go or move forward.

The reversed Hanged Man also indicates missed opportunities due to this resistance. One might be avoiding necessary sacrifices or unwilling to step out of their comfort zone, which in turn impedes growth and progression. It’s a reminder that sometimes, to move forward, one has to let go or embrace change, even if it seems daunting or uncomfortable at first.

This card, in its inverted position, also suggests a potential for feeling disconnected or out of alignment with one’s surroundings. There’s a sense of being out of sync with the world, leading to feelings of isolation or uncertainty about the future.

Love & Relationships

In matters of the heart, a reversed Hanged Man may point to a relationship that feels stagnant. One or both partners might be resisting change, leading to feelings of being stuck or in limbo. There’s a reluctance to address underlying issues or to see things from the other person’s viewpoint.

For those seeking love, the card suggests a potential to miss out on romantic opportunities due to an unwillingness to let go of past hurts or to move beyond personal fears and insecurities. It’s a call to release old patterns and beliefs about relationships to embrace new possibilities.

The essence here is that true connection and understanding in relationships often require both partners to be willing to compromise, change, and see things from a fresh perspective. The reversed Hanged Man emphasizes the importance of flexibility and openness in love.

Career & Finances

Regarding career, the reversed Hanged Man indicates delays and obstacles, often self-imposed. Whether it’s hesitation to take on a new role, reluctance to adapt to changes in the workplace, or a stubbornness to see things differently, this resistance can hinder professional growth.

Financially, this card warns against missed investment opportunities or poor financial decisions stemming from an unwillingness to adapt to changing economic landscapes. Holding onto outdated financial strategies or failing to consider new avenues can lead to setbacks.

The key message here is to be adaptable and open-minded. Embracing change and being willing to adjust one’s approach, whether in career or finances, can pave the way for success and stability.


When addressing health, the reversed Hanged Man suggests potential neglect or avoidance of underlying health issues. There might be a reluctance to try new treatments or a tendency to dismiss symptoms, leading to complications or prolonged recovery times.

This card also touches upon mental health, pointing to a resistance to seek help or address emotional issues. There’s a potential for feeling trapped in negative thought patterns or behaviors without taking proactive steps towards healing.

The overarching message is to be proactive about one’s health, both physical and mental. Seeking professional advice, being open to alternative treatments, and addressing concerns head-on can lead to better overall well-being.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual plane, the reversed Hanged Man indicates a period of spiritual stagnation or doubt. One might feel disconnected from their spiritual path or struggle with understanding their purpose. This disconnect often stems from a reluctance to delve deeper into one’s own beliefs or to seek guidance.

This card also suggests potential challenges in meditation or spiritual practices, with distractions or resistances preventing deep connection or insight. The challenge here is to push past these barriers, seeking clarity and understanding, even if it requires stepping outside of one’s comfort zone.

In essence, the reversed Hanged Man calls for introspection and openness in one’s spiritual journey. By confronting doubts and seeking guidance, one can realign with their spiritual purpose and find deeper meaning and connection.

The Hanged Man and Manifesting


The Hanged Man, often associated with sacrifice, surrender, and seeing things from a different perspective, can be an invaluable card for manifestation when approached with understanding. Here’s how:

Surrender to the Process: One of the first steps in manifestation is surrendering to the universe. This doesn’t mean giving up on your desires but rather releasing the need to control every aspect of how they come to fruition. The Hanged Man embodies the principle of letting go, trusting that the universe (or a higher power) has a plan and will guide the way.

Gain a New Perspective: The Hanged Man’s upside-down position is symbolic of seeing things differently. When manifesting, it can be beneficial to look at your desires and goals from a new angle. Maybe there’s a different approach or a shift in mindset that can make the path clearer.

Embrace Necessary Sacrifices: Manifestation often requires giving something up to make space for the new. This might be old beliefs, toxic relationships, or behaviors that don’t serve your higher purpose. The Hanged Man reminds us of the value of these sacrifices. By letting go of what doesn’t serve, you create a void that the universe will rush to fill.

Patience: Just as the Hanged Man suggests a pause, manifestation also requires patience. Once you’ve set your intention and taken aligned actions, it’s essential to wait and allow things to unfold in their own time. Trust that what is meant for you will come at the right time.

Meditation and Introspection: Use the energy of The Hanged Man to dive deep into meditation, focusing on your desires and visualizing them coming to life. The stillness and introspection that this card represents can be a powerful tool for solidifying your intentions and connecting with your inner self.

Incorporating the energies and lessons of The Hanged Man into your manifestation practices can add depth and understanding, allowing for a more profound connection with your intentions and the universe’s rhythms.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I surrender to the natural flow of the universe and trust in its wisdom.”
  2. “By letting go, I create space for new blessings and opportunities.”
  3. “I embrace different perspectives to gain deeper understanding and clarity.”
  4. “Every pause and reflection brings me closer to my true purpose.”
  5. “I am patient and trust that everything is unfolding as it should.”

To align with the energy of The Hanged Man card using these affirmations, one should embrace moments of pause and reflection in their daily life. Begin by finding a quiet space, free from distractions. Take deep breaths, grounding yourself in the present moment. As you breathe in, visualize yourself suspended, like The Hanged Man, free from worldly concerns and completely in tune with the universe’s rhythm. As you exhale, let go of any need to control or force outcomes. Repeat the affirmations, either aloud or in your mind, allowing each one to sink deep into your consciousness. The goal is to resonate with the essence of surrender, patience, and a willingness to see things from a fresh perspective. Over time, these affirmations can help shift one’s mindset, promoting trust in the process and a deeper understanding of life’s ebbs and flows.