The Hermit Tarot Card
The Hermit Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

The Lantern

At the forefront of The Hermit card, the lantern represents guidance and enlightenment. The Hermit, in his wisdom, holds this lantern out to illuminate the darkness, showing the way for others. This symbol speaks to the idea of wisdom being a guiding light, offering clarity to those who seek it.

Star in the Lantern

Inside the lantern, a six-pointed star shines brightly. This star, often associated with the Seal of Solomon, represents the balance of opposites and the union of the spiritual and material worlds. It’s a symbol of inner wisdom and the spiritual guidance that The Hermit possesses and shares.

The Staff

The Hermit leans on a staff, often interpreted as the staff of authority or of the patriarchs. This staff symbolizes The Hermit’s power and strength, but not in a worldly sense. It is the strength derived from truth, wisdom, and experience. The staff also supports The Hermit in his journey, indicating that wisdom and truth provide support during solitary quests.

Snow-Capped Mountains

The backdrop of The Hermit card is a range of snow-capped mountains, representing challenges, obstacles, and also spiritual elevation. The Hermit stands at the peak, suggesting that after introspection and seeking inner truth, one can attain great spiritual heights. The snowy peaks also symbolize isolation and purity.

Cloak of Solitude

The Hermit is draped in a gray cloak, symbolizing invisibility, a sense of being unnoticed, and also neutrality. This cloak protects him from the external environment and distractions, allowing him to focus inward. It signifies The Hermit’s withdrawal from the outside world in pursuit of inner wisdom and understanding.

Correspondences & Associations


Throughout history and various cultures, the archetype of a wise old man or sage who withdraws from society to seek deeper truths has been prevalent. The Hermit is reminiscent of figures like Diogenes, seeking truth with his lantern, or even Christian hermits and ascetics who retreated from the world to deepen their connection with the divine. The lantern, staff, and mountainous retreat are symbols that have long been associated with solitude, introspection, and spiritual quests.


The Hermit is associated with the element of Earth. Earth symbolizes grounding, stability, and practicality. In the context of The Hermit, this element embodies the grounded nature of introspection, the stability that comes from wisdom, and the practical application of knowledge. It’s about internalizing experiences and lessons to build a solid foundation of understanding.


This card is linked to the astrological sign of Virgo. Virgos are known for their analytical, meticulous, and sometimes introspective nature. Just as Virgo seeks to analyze and organize, The Hermit represents a deep introspection and the search for inner truth.


The Hermit is card number 9 in the Major Arcana. The number 9 in numerology is often associated with completion, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment. It represents the culmination of a journey or cycle and the wisdom and understanding that comes from experiences lived and lessons learned.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, The Hermit corresponds to the path between Chesed (Mercy) and Tiphareth (Beauty). This path represents the journey of the soul through introspection, seeking harmony and inner light while being supported by loving-kindness and mercy.

Jungian Archetypes

From a Jungian perspective, The Hermit can be seen as the archetype of the Wise Old Man or Sage. This archetype represents profound wisdom, guidance, introspection, and the pursuit of deeper truths. Psychologically, encountering this archetype can signal a period of introspection or a search for deeper understanding in one’s life.

Says The Hermit

To know the world, first know thyself
Interpreting The Hermit Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Introspection, Solitude, Guidance, Wisdom, Inner Search, Contemplation, Enlightenment

General Overview

The Hermit card is a beacon of wisdom, shining light in the darkness of uncertainty. It suggests a time of introspection, contemplation, and searching deep within one’s soul for answers. This is not a journey undertaken with haste but with deliberate steps, seeking understanding and truth. The Hermit does not represent loneliness but rather a chosen solitude, a retreat from the noise of the everyday world to find the silence within.

This card often appears when one needs to take a step back from external distractions to connect with their inner self. The Hermit’s lantern represents the light of wisdom, illuminating the path for those who seek knowledge. The mountainous terrain signifies the sometimes challenging journey of introspection and self-discovery.

While The Hermit suggests withdrawal and introspection, it’s not about permanent isolation. Instead, it signifies a period of reflection, after which one emerges with greater clarity, wisdom, and understanding, ready to guide others or take the next steps on their life path.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of love, The Hermit suggests a time of reflection on one’s relationships. It might mean that you need solitude to understand your feelings or that you’re contemplating the deeper meaning and purpose of your connections. For some, it could hint at a period of singlehood, used for personal growth and self-discovery.

For those in a relationship, this card may indicate the need for space to contemplate the bond’s strength and direction. It’s a chance to re-evaluate and ensure both partners are on the same spiritual and emotional path. It might also mean seeking guidance or counseling to navigate relationship challenges.

The essence of The Hermit in love is about understanding oneself to form deeper, more meaningful connections with others. It encourages looking within to recognize patterns, desires, and needs, ensuring that relationships are built on genuine understanding and mutual growth.

Career & Finances

Concerning career, The Hermit may indicate a phase of professional introspection. You might be contemplating whether your career aligns with your life’s purpose or if it provides the spiritual and emotional satisfaction you seek. This is a period of evaluating career goals, seeking deeper meaning in your work, and perhaps considering a path that aligns more with your inner truths.

Financially, this card prompts careful consideration and reflection on one’s finances. It’s a call to review financial goals, spend wisely, and perhaps seek guidance or further knowledge about managing money effectively. Rather than making hasty financial decisions, one is encouraged to research, plan, and consult if needed.


Regarding health, The Hermit invites a period of reflection on one’s well-being. It suggests the need to withdraw and listen to one’s body and mind. This might be an excellent time to explore holistic or alternative therapies, meditation, or other practices that foster a connection between the body and spirit.

It also emphasizes the importance of mental and emotional health. Seeking solitude or counseling to address any underlying issues, traumas, or concerns can be beneficial. The Hermit’s energy is about healing from within, understanding the root causes, and finding a path to wholeness

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, The Hermit is a guide, illuminating the path to inner wisdom and enlightenment. It signifies a deep inner journey, seeking truths beyond the surface level of consciousness. This is a quest for one’s higher self, the divine essence within.

This card encourages meditation, prayer, and other spiritual practices that allow one to connect with the divine. It’s about seeking guidance from within, trusting one’s intuition, and embracing the wisdom that comes from deep introspection and connection with the universe.

Ultimately, The Hermit’s message is one of spiritual discovery. It’s about understanding the interconnectedness of all things, realizing one’s divine purpose, and guiding others on their spiritual journey. This card embodies the essence of a soul’s journey towards enlightenment, reminding us that the answers we seek often lie within.

Reversed Meaning


Isolation, Loneliness, Withdrawal, Disconnection, Stubbornness, Ignored Advice

General Overview

When The Hermit appears in its reversed position, it warns against excessive isolation or a retreat from the world that is not born out of genuine introspection but rather from avoidance or fear. The solitude that in its upright position is purposeful and enlightening can, when inverted, become a prison of one’s own making. It can suggest a time when one is not heeding the wisdom available to them or refusing the guidance of others.

This card can also indicate that someone may be feeling lost without the guiding light that The Hermit usually provides. The introspection and guidance once sought might seem elusive, leading to feelings of confusion or aimlessness. It could also imply an over-reliance on others’ opinions, thereby losing one’s personal sense of direction or intuition.

Alternatively, The Hermit reversed can serve as a reminder that while introspection and solitude are vital, they must be balanced with connection and engagement with the external world. It’s a call to ensure that one’s retreat does not become a prolonged escape, avoiding necessary confrontations or responsibilities.

Love & Relationships

In matters of the heart, the reversed Hermit may suggest feelings of isolation or disconnection even when in a relationship. It might indicate that one partner is emotionally withdrawing, not out of a need for introspection, but perhaps due to unresolved issues or fears. For singles, it could hint at a period where they’re avoiding connections or staying in solitude due to past hurts or fear of vulnerability.

This card also warns against stubbornness in relationships, refusing to see a partner’s point of view, or neglecting to seek advice when facing relationship challenges. It might also indicate that one is ignoring red flags or not heeding the wisdom of their intuition regarding a partnership.

Career & Finances

In a professional context, The Hermit reversed might suggest feeling isolated at work, perhaps feeling out of touch with colleagues or being left out of important decisions. It might also indicate a stubborn approach to tasks, refusing to take advice or being resistant to new ideas, leading to potential setbacks or conflicts.

Financially, this card warns against making decisions in isolation without seeking counsel. It may also suggest feeling lost regarding financial decisions, unsure of which path to take. An over-reliance on others’ financial opinions without personal introspection can also be highlighted.

The reversed Hermit encourages individuals to reconnect with their professional community, be open to feedback, and ensure they’re not isolating themselves from valuable resources and collaborations. It’s also a reminder to seek a balance between personal intuition and external advice when navigating financial matters.


When concerning health, The Hermit reversed may indicate neglecting one’s well-being by isolating from health professionals or ignoring sound health advice. There might be a reluctance to seek help or a tendency to withdraw into oneself, avoiding confronting health issues head-on.

This card can also hint at emotional or mental health challenges arising from feelings of loneliness or isolation. It emphasizes the importance of seeking support, whether through therapy, counseling, or merely reaching out to loved ones.

Spiritual Interpretation

Spiritually, the reversed Hermit suggests a disconnection from one’s inner wisdom or intuition. It might indicate a period of spiritual doubt, where one feels detached from their spiritual path or unsure of their beliefs. This card can also represent neglecting one’s spiritual practices or ignoring inner guidance.

It’s a reminder that while seeking external guidance and teachings is valuable, it’s equally crucial to connect with one’s inner light and truth. Being overly reliant on external doctrines without personal introspection can lead to a spiritual disconnect.

In essence, The Hermit reversed calls for a reconnection to one’s spiritual core. It’s an encouragement to reignite one’s spiritual practices, trust in inner wisdom, and seek a balance between external guidance and inner truths.

The Hermit and Manifesting


The Hermit card represents introspection, inner wisdom, and seeking answers from within. When used for manifestation, The Hermit can be a powerful tool to align with your true desires, illuminate your path, and attract what you genuinely seek. Here’s how:

Introspective Clarity: Begin by creating a quiet, sacred space for yourself, much like The Hermit’s retreat. In this space, dive deep into what you genuinely wish to manifest. The Hermit’s energy encourages you to look past superficial wants and tap into the core of your desires.

Visualize with the Lantern: The Hermit holds a lantern, illuminating the dark. Use this symbol as a meditative tool. Close your eyes and visualize yourself holding a lantern that lights up your desired future. See the light reveal every detail of what you’re trying to manifest, making it brighter and more tangible.

Seek Inner Wisdom: The Hermit reminds us that we have all the answers within. Rather than constantly seeking external validation or guidance, trust that your intuition and inner voice will guide your manifestation journey. Regularly meditate or journal to tap into this wisdom.

Solitary Rituals: Given The Hermit’s solitary nature, consider creating solo rituals for manifestation. This could be anything from a lone walk in nature while stating your intentions to crafting a personal vision board in solitude.

Patience and Trust: The Hermit is patient, understanding that inner wisdom and insights take time to surface. Similarly, manifestation doesn’t always happen overnight. Trust in the universe’s timing and believe that what’s meant for you will come to you when the time is right.

Reaffirm and Align: Regularly reaffirm your intentions. You can light a candle, representing The Hermit’s lantern, each time you wish to focus on your manifestation. As the flame burns, visualize your intentions becoming clearer and closer.

Incorporating The Hermit’s energy into your manifestation process ensures that you’re not only attracting what you think you want but aligning with your higher self and true desires. This alignment can make the manifestation process more powerful and authentic.

Affirmations to use

  1. “In solitude, I find clarity and wisdom.”
  2. “I trust the inner guidance that arises when I am still.”
  3. “My inner light illuminates the path of my true desires.”
  4. “With patience and introspection, I understand my true purpose.”
  5. “Every answer I seek is already within me.”

To harness the energy of The Hermit, it’s essential to create a sacred space of solitude and introspection for yourself. Regularly recite these affirmations in a quiet space, free from distractions. Consider lighting a candle, representing The Hermit’s lantern, as a focal point during your affirmation sessions. As you verbalize each affirmation, visualize the wisdom of The Hermit infusing every word, guiding you towards deeper self-understanding and authentic alignment. Over time, these affirmations can help you cultivate inner peace, discernment, and a profound connection to your own inner wisdom, much like The Hermit.